*** ----> On this Diplomatic day, we only have one wish - Bahrain should grow well | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

On this Diplomatic day, we only have one wish - Bahrain should grow well

TDT | Manama                               

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

Developing diplomatic relations is one of the most important factors for the long-term well-being of any country.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has made great progress due to its long-standing diplomatic relations with western countries and the Middle East.

All the countries are cooperating with Bahrain on economic, social and political arenas. On Diplomatic Day, the Ambassadors in Bahrain joined The Daily Tribune’s Ashen Tharaka for a special discussion on the future of Bahrain and plans for 2023.


130 years of ties – Steven C Bondy, US Ambassador to Bahrain

Bahrain and the United States enjoy a deep and broad relationship that dates back 130 years, when Americans first arrived in Bahrain to deliver healthcare and Education.

The hospital, school, and church they founded still exist today. The solid foundation created by Bahrainis and Americans working together, as partners and friends, with respect and admiration, serves as the platform for our official, Government-to-government relationship.

Our two countries share the same objectives – a stable, secure, and prosperous Bahrain where citizens can pursue their dreams in a peaceful, supportive environment.

Bahrain’s success is our success. As we look to the year ahead, the United States will always rely upon Bahrain for support, advice, and guidance on addressing the many challenges and opportunities.

I can assure you that the United States greatly appreciates the close collaboration, we have with the Serious professionals in Bahrain’s diplomatic corps. They represent the very best of Bahrain, and they represent Bahrain extremely effectively on the world stage.


Your security is our security – Roderick Deummond, British Ambassador to Bahrain

The UK greatly values its close and longstanding relationship with Bahrain as a friend and ally.

I would like to thank His Majesty the King, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa for their continued commitment to our vibrant and thriving relationship.

On this very special day, we celebrate the close partnership between the United Kingdom and Bahrain over more than two centuries.

The UK and Bahrain have deep connections covering the full range of our shared interests and values, from national and regional security, to trade and investment, education, healthcare, science and technology, green initiatives, sport and so many more.

The foundation of our relationship is the dynamic people-to-people connections between us, with Bahrainis going to the UK to study, do business or enjoy tourism, and British nationals making an essential contribution here in what feels to most like a second home.

In 2023, we look forward to continuing to expanding our joint collaboration to ensure healthy and sustainable progress.

As Foreign Secretary Cleverly said when he visited in November, your security is our security and your prosperity is our prosperity.


Important partner – Piyush Srivastava, Indian Ambassador to Bahrain

Warm greetings and felicitations to the highly professional Diplomatic Corps of the Kingdom of Bahrain on the occasion of Bahrain’s Diplomatic Day.

Under the visionary Leadership of His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Bahrain has achieved numerous successes in all aspects of diplomacy - be it bilateral, regional or multilateral.

India and the Kingdom of Bahrain enjoy deep bonds of friendship dating back thousands of years. Our two countries have made tremendous progress in our bilateral and multilateral diplomatic relationship over the years, with high-level political interactions and structured mechanisms bearing fruit in diversifying and deepening our close relationship.

It will be an exciting year for India as well, as it chairs two global groupings, the G20 and SCO, taking global leadership roles and working for global good.

Accordingly, our engagements with the world, especially with our friends on the global stage including Bahrain are set for a momentous leap.

I, once again, congratulate all the distinguished diplomatic colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of Diplomatic Day and wish them success in their future endeavours.


Grow well in the long run - Tirtha Raj Wangle, Nepalese Ambassador to Bahrain

Nepal and the Kingdom of Bahrain enjoy friendly relations ever since the establishment of diplomatic relations in January 1977.

These relations have seen steady progress over the years. Nepal established its Embassy in Manama in September 2013.

I am honoured to serve as the second Ambassador of Nepal to the Kingdom of Bahrain from August 2022. This year we are focusing on establishing a bilateral consolidated mechanism between two foreign ministries.

We would like to continue our cooperation in the labour and employment sector and we look forward to strengthening further cooperation in the tourism and cultural sector.


Bahrain punches well beyond its weight – Clemens Hach, German Ambassador to Bahrain

Bahrain punches, as the saying goes, well beyond its weight. While profoundly anchored in the Gulf Cooperation Council and its traditional partnerships, it broadens its view and diversifies its contacts into the whole world, faithful to the tradition of an ancient trading nation that has successfully exchanged goods and views with the outside world for centuries.

This traditional openness to the world contributes to making Bahrain a respected diplomatic power in the region and internationally.

For Germany, Bahrain’s growing relationship with the State of Israel and the principled stance on the Russian aggression in Ukraine, are two particularly impressive illustrations of diplomacy that will always prioritize the quest for peace, that cherishes the respect of international law, and that is based on the values of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and moderation.

On this Diplomatic Day, I want to thank Bahrain and its diplomats for their excellence and for their friendship. I am looking forward to our continued and growing partnership.


Important partner – Alexey Skosyrev, Russian Ambassador to Bahrain

The diplomats of the Kingdom selflessly work on the protection of the national interests of Bahrain, while also sparing no efforts for the sake of promoting the values of religious tolerance, peaceful coexistence and sustainable development for all.

And of course, they play a vital role in strengthening the relations between the Kingdom and its friends abroad, including the Russian Federation.

Russia considers Bahrain to be its important partner in the Arab and Islamic Worlds. Our leaders maintain close contact; their communication is always distinguished by frankness and cordiality.

The upcoming Joint Intergovernmental Commission meeting in Manama and the participation of Russian senators in the 146th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union are expected to contribute to the enhancement of our political coordination.

Both our countries are committed to the principles of sovereign equality and the plurality of the developmental models; both realize the importance of historical traditions.

With such a background, it is not surprising that the Bahraini and Russian governments and, what is also extremely important, our people are actively seeking further engagement and collaboration in all the fields imaginable.


Strength to strength – Muhammad Ayub, Pakistan Ambassador to Bahrain

Pakistan - Bahrain bilateral relations are growing from strength to strength in diverse fields of cooperation.

The two countries work closely at the international diplomatic forums and cooperate on issues of mutual interest.

Pakistan and Bahrain have robust institutional mechanisms for bilateral consultations and cooperation.

Both countries also enjoy historical relations in defence and security cooperation. The hardworking and loyal Pakistani diaspora in Bahrain is a bridge between the two countries.

The leadership of Pakistan and Bahrain are committed to further augmenting the brotherly relations and transforming the relationship into a mutually beneficial partnership, a win-win for both countries and their people.

Trade and investment, energy, food security, higher education, training and development and tourism are the priority areas where both countries can flourish together.


A true milestone – Esin Cakil, Turkish Ambassador to Bahrain

The year 2023 marks the golden jubilee of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Türkiye and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

We desire this year to become a true milestone in our bilateral cooperation. As compatible with our rooted historical relations and common interests, we are eager to further strengthen our cooperation in the fields of health, trade, finance, education, culture, investments, tourism, renewables, sustainable development, manufacturing, and construction as well as showing solidarity against the common challenges like terrorism, extremism, Islamophobia and climate change.

Turkish and Bahraini foreign policies have much in common in pursuing peace in the World by putting diplomacy first. I believe we will continue to share our ideas and work together for achieving a stable, secure and prosperous region, as we have done so far.

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