*** ----> Budding Israeli diplomats hope to grow unique relationship with Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Budding Israeli diplomats hope to grow unique relationship with Bahrain

TDT | Manama                                        

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

Reported by Zahra Ayaz

A group of aspiring Israeli diplomats hopes that their diplomatic careers will see unparalleled ties between their country and Bahrain in various fields.

The historical visits are important because they help to identify effective youth experiences and pioneering activities for young people.

Bahrain looks forward to advancing bilateral relations with Israel and serving common interests within the framework of the Peace Declaration and the Abraham Accords.

Israel’s Ambassador to Bahrain, HE Eitan Na'eh, told The Daily Tribune that the arrival of cadets from their Foreign Ministry is another result of the peace agreements and an important step in the ministry’s efforts to improve and deepen relations between Israel and Bahrain.

“We anticipate more such excursions to Bahrain in the future,” Ambassador Na’eh said. “Trade and peace are the two pillars of relations between Bahrain and Israel." "We ought to have a thriving firm that significantly contributes to regional and global relations.”

In an interactive session with The Daily Tribune, the cadets expressed their admiration for the program and said that “the visit is another layer in the weaving of ties between us and the Gulf region.”

Israeli diplomat cadet Ilana Rabin Lenk stated, “I joined the course in November. "I am a second-generation diplomat since my father was also a diplomat in the Israeli Foreign Ministry; thus, growing up in such an environment encouraged me, and this time it’s my purpose.”

Another cadet, Yuval Geva, 29, stated: “Meeting people from different cultures and building such relationships has always been something that has inspired me." Before entering the ministry, I worked in the Israeli embassy in New York and studied political science.

“I was willing to locate a place that united both my will to serve my people and my country and, at the same time, develop my knowledge and explore all kinds of culture,” Hannah Goldshmit said.

According to Bat El Polyack, who worked in a student position in the ministry before applying for this course, “From a very young age, my father was the first inspiration that brought me here and motivated me to work in the ministry and an international environment showcasing Israel and what it is about.”

“During the recruitment stages, we assure the cadets that the profession of diplomacy also allows them to be partners in making history." "The study visits of the cadets to countries covered by the Abraham Accords are exactly a part of this,” said Dana Koresh, head of the training division at the Foreign Ministry.