*** For rodents ‘admission’ is a snap at school | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

For rodents ‘admission’ is a snap at school


Raking up the rodents infested school issue in Sanabis, the Education Ministry said that “despite daily cleaning operations, the rats enter from outside the school.”

As reported earlier by DT News, parents and students of Sanabis Elementary Girls’ School protested in front of the school after they had enough of rodents crawling in the classrooms and corridors of the school.

The school was visited the next day of the protest by senior officials from Health and Education Ministries, besides the area’s parliamentary representative.

Yesterday, almost two months later, the Ministry issued a statement explaining the current circumstances at the school, as parents repeatedly expressed their annoyance on social networks and platforms.

“Though the school has an old building, the repeated appearance of rodents is owing to the surrounding environment. The Ministry has contracted with a specialised cleaning company to carry out daily cleaning operations to ensure a clean and safe environment for students,” the Ministry said in its statement yesterday.

The Ministry explained that a report had been issued on the status of the school. “The problem is in the surroundings of the school. One of the main causes is the exposed sewage pipelines and manholes in the vicinity of the school. That in addition to the scattered uncovered waste bins placed near the school walls. Cooperation among many sides is required to overcome this issue,” the Ministry explained.

It was also stated that “despite the day-to-day pest control and cleaning processes carried out at the school, the desired result won’t be attained unless the owners of the surrounding properties cooperate.”

As reported earlier, residents of Sanabis are demanding to establish a new elementary girls school in the area, as the current school is aged more than 60 years.

It was announced back then that “studies are ongoing to allocate a land to build a new school in the area.