*** ----> Bahrain pushes for regional and global peace and development | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain pushes for regional and global peace and development

TDT | Manama                                             

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

Reported by Ashen Tharaka

The United Nations General Assembly (UNCPGA) Council of Presidents successfully concluded a meeting yesterday by delivering the Bahrain Declaration to the UN General Assembly.

Mr Csaba Korosi, president of the current 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, welcomed the idea that the assembly should focus its work through the prism of crisis management and transformative action on the final day of the two-day meeting.

UNCPGA chairman and 56th session president, Dr Han Seung-soo, and members agreed that there can be no peace without development, no development without peace, and no peace or development without respect for human rights.

The council discussed cyber security in the region. It also called for an urgent political solution to the conflict in Ukraine through diplomatic means, based on the UN Charter and three recent resolutions of the UN General Assembly on the issue.

The council underlined the importance of working together to develop effective measures to prevent and respond to cyber attack, and build a more secure and resilient digital world that promotes technological innovation while mitigating its risks and challenges.

Speaking to The Daily Tribune, Shaikha Haya bint Rashid Al Khalifa, the 61st president of the UN session, said: “We respect all the priorities which were established by the UN such as human rights, especially women’s rights. This meeting showcases that Bahrain acknowledges the UN priorities.”

Srgjan Kerim, president of the 62nd UN session, stressed the importance of Bahrain and UN relationship, saying that “most of the nations asked what UN can do for them, but Bahrain is a rare state that asked, what Bahraini can do to the UN. The first thing Bahrain has done is they have given us the third lady in UN history as president. They proved gender equality.”

Replying to the issue of Palestine, the UNCPG member and 57th president of UN session, Jan Kavan, stated that ‘“Palestinian issue is the oldest unsolved agenda of the UN. It’s not because the UN ignored the issue but it’s a problem of world powers. At UN, we cannot take independent decision, but at UNCPGA, we are an independent body to make our recommendation to UN.’’

By adding the thoughts of the Ukraine war, the 67th session president, Vuk Jeremic, said: “There are so many people around the world who are suffering right now. Most of the attention these days in the high-level political circles are on the war in Ukraine. But that’s for geopolitical reasons. There are tremendous sufferings in Ukraine, and around the world, as well.”

Members of the council expressed their gratitude to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for inviting them to enhance the cooperation between Bahrain and UNCPGA members, and underlined the vital role of the Kingdom in backing the UN efforts.

The meeting, held for the first time outside the US, provided an opportunity to the participants to deliberate on global issues, conflicts and challenges facing the international community.


Shaikha Haya bint Rashid Al Khalifa


Srgjan Kerim and Jan Kavan


Dr Han Seung-soo