*** ----> Six Asians arrested in Bahrain for scamming retiree of BD29,000 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Six Asians arrested in Bahrain for scamming retiree of BD29,000

TDT | Manama                                        

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

A retired man lost BD29,000 of his life savings after falling prey to a Central Population Registry (CPR) renewal vishing scam run by six Asians, one of whom resides in Pakistan.

However, a quick police action helped the man retrieve BD13,000 of the stolen money, as the rest, the police said, was wire transferred to an account in Pakistan.

The incidents leading to the case started with the man receiving a phone call notifying him that his CPR was about to expire and that he was directed to follow renewal procedures.

The scammers also convinced him of revealing personal information.

The man said he provided personal and banking details to the scammers, unaware of their fraudulent intentions.

However, to the man’s shock and dismay, he discovered that his account had been emptied of BD29,000 by unknown individuals.

Despite being in a state of panic, the man said he notified the police of the incident, who then managed to freeze the accounts used to withdraw the stolen funds.

However, at that point, the suspects had already transferred a significant portion of the stolen funds to the account in Pakistan, leaving the police with only BD13,000 that they were able to recover.

Further investigation revealed the involvement and identification of six men in the crime, with police subsequently arresting them.

During interrogation, the suspects told the police that they were part of a network managed by a Pakistani, who also instructed them to open bank accounts to transfer the stolen money before ultimately sending it to his account.