*** ----> Court orders driver and insurance company to pay BD7,500 to accident victim | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Court orders driver and insurance company to pay BD7,500 to accident victim

TDT | Manama                                                

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com    

The High Civil Court obliged a driver and an insurance company to pay the victim financial compensation amounting to BD7,500 for causing the accident, which left him with a 12% disability.

According to court files, the victim was riding a motorcycle when the driver of the vehicle insured by the company struck him. The defendant was driving his car, which was parked in a dusty area next to Al Nakhil Street, towards the north, while the victim was riding a motorcycle and was in the correct lane.

Without any care or attention, the defendant moved his car and entered the street without paying heed to the victim. He crashed his vehicle into the approaching motorcycle.

As a result, the victim was hurt and left with what was estimated by medical authorities to be a 12 per cent impairment.

The traffic court found the defendant guilty and fined him BD 100. The young man’s family resorted to the Civil Court, demanding that the insurance provider and the car’s owner pay BD23,000 collectively. However, the court decided to compensate the victim with BD7,500 for the injury caused to him.

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