*** ----> Bahrain netizens weigh up pros and cons of healthcare services | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain netizens weigh up pros and cons of healthcare services

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com    

Reported by Julia Cassano  

Netizens in Bahrain are claiming that they are unhappy and unsatisfied with the healthcare services in Bahrain, despite the Kingdom’s hospitals being equipped with the best possible tools, medicines, and doctors.

And although many have become frustrated with the waiting times, patient service, and inadequate consultations, many residents and citizens also claim positive experiences from Bahrain’s healthcare system.

Speaking to The Daily Tribune, a Bahrain citizen said that more times than not, when calling the hospitals in Bahrain to schedule an appointment or follow up, he is usually met with dead ends when transferred to another number on the phone call.

“Although Bahrain is equipped with some of the best doctors, technologies, and tools, I often do not receive adequate consultations. On top of this, I never receive a follow-up from the doctor,” he said.

Also, to receive a follow-up from the doctor, many online users have complained that patients are to follow up by being present in the hospital, which causes inconvenience for many.

Especially if the follow-ups do not cause concern. However, another online user wrote that they have experienced nothing but “fantastic” experiences, in both public and private hospitals.

The user claimed that as a non-Bahraini citizen, they prefer the Bahrain healthcare system over the National Health Service UK (NHS) in terms of quality, care, and waiting times.

However, most netizens in the online chat room agreed on their stances when it came to the “frustrating” waiting times. One user wrote: “If I become sick and it is an urgent matter, I will usually visit a private hospital as it can be frustrating to wait a long amount of time to see a doctor when it comes to the public hospitals.”

A doctor in Bahrain noted in the online discussion that many countries outside the GCC envy the Kingdom for its high standards of health care. In fact, he said that the only issue he believes apparent is the staffing ratio and heavy workloads that prevent doctors and nurses from providing extra attention and care as many are burnt out.

Despite being under extreme stress and lack of sleep, the doctors continue to do their best to provide patients with the highest quality of care, the doctor said. Healthcare is free of charge for Bahraini citizens at government hospitals and health centres across all governorates and available for a nominal fee for non-Bahrainis. And according to sources, they claim that the Bahraini healthcare system is one of the most advanced in the region.