*** ----> Rescue efforts highlight need to use life jackets | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Rescue efforts highlight need to use life jackets

Highlighting a recent incident where a man was rescued from the sea, authorities have stressed on the importance of wearing life jackets while on a boat or swimming in the sea. 

A group of youth was travelling on a yacht when one of them decided to swim. “I was with a group of youth who went on a sea trip. There were five of us and the winds were high and the waves strong. One of us felt dizzy and decided to stop in the middle of the sea to take rest. Another decided to swim and told us that when he will feel tired he will wave us to bring the boat to him,” one of the youth, who witnessed the incident from the yacht told Interior Ministry’s Al Amn channel.

The men who went for swimming could not return to the yacht. “I decided  to swim without a life jacket as the weather was nice and calm. We weren’t aware of the nature of the location. The minute I swam into the water I felt the strength of the waves that pushed me away from the boat. When I saw how far I went, I waved and saw them waving back but the waves pushed me further away and I couldn’t return to the boat, “ the youth who was rescued said.

As the men in the yacht couldn’t rescue the man, they called the Coast Guard.

“While trying to rescue me three Coast Guard vessels passed without noticing me because of the choppy weather and wind,” he added.

Support from police aviation was also sought. “The weather was bad and we were running short of time as the sunset was approaching, so we sought help from the police aviation,” an official from the ministry said.

Soon after the arrival of the police aviation, the man was found and rescued.

“Despite all the safety items on board the yacht, the person unfortunately did not wear a life jacket. For their safety, we urge all seafarers to wear a life jacket while swimming or even while on a boat,” the official added.