*** Cuisines of the world in Jawad Dome | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Cuisines of the world in Jawad Dome


Infusing and presenting a gamut of tastes and cuisines from around the world, Jawad Group, Brand Ambassador, Alexandra Mariot is conducting free cooking sessions twice on Tuesdays in Jawad Dome, Barbar. 

Originally from France, Alexandra Mariot is residing in Bahrain for the past 16-years and is a veteran chef, who has held a catering business, conducts cooking classes and even wrote a book ‘I Cooked It My Way’ a few years ago. More than a 1000 copies were sold of her book, proceeds of which were donated to the ‘RIA Integration’ institute. She currently runs her own home business, making traditional macaroons

Food brings people together

The cooking classes have been going on for the past five weeks now and have received great feedback from participants, who can join anytime and see a savory and a sweet dish being made by the maestro in the two-hour running time.

“I am 45 years old and yet I come here every Tuesday, in the morning and evening sessions, and see how she makes these amazing new recipes. I try them at home and let Ms. Mariot know that I am learning and having fun at the same time,” one participant told DT News.

Speaking to DT News on how food connects people and places, Ms. Mariot said, “In different parts of the world, we can see how much prominence is given to the art of cooking. It brings people together. In fact in Europe, many places prefer having an open kitchen, which even has television sets and sofas inside, for family and friends to sit close by and experience how the food is being made.” Ms. Mariot also shared that she has a liking for a wide range of cuisines, especially Asian, Arabic and European.  

Each month, a different country’s cuisine will be explored and each week, a different region or city of that country will be covered. The cooking campaign will continue into the two weeks of Ramadan, and will then take a break for the holidays from July-August and will resume in September.