*** BJA new board of directors formed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BJA new board of directors formed

TDT | Manama                                                               

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Bahrain Journalists Association (BJA) has elected its new Board of Directors during a General Assembly regular meeting held at the Alumni Club in Adliya.

The eight-member board is composed of Abdul Rahman Al Medfa (Vice Chairman), Rashid Al Hamer (General Secretary and International Relations), Mohammed Al Saee (Treasurer), Mohammed Bahar (Head of the Membership Committee), Mansoor Shaker (Head of the Activities Committee), Ahmed Karim (Head of the Sports Media Committee), Bassam Albdwi (Head of the Media Committee) and Zahraa Habib (Head of the Liberties Committee).


Incumbent Chairman Isa Al Shaiji has been re-elected unopposed for a new term. Al Shaiji expressed thanks and gratitude to the BJA members for their vote of confidence, pledging to exert all efforts to deliver BJA goals.