*** ----> Bahrain Shura keen to bolster ties with US Congress | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Shura keen to bolster ties with US Congress

TDT | Manama                                                

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com     

The Shura Council is committed to bolstering relations and cooperation with the US Congress and other countries’ parliaments.

This was affirmed by the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee at the Shura Council, Ali bin Mohammed Al Romaihi.

He made the statements during the joint talks held between the Shura Council’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee and a US Congress delegation, led by Congressman, Ronny Jackson, and including US Ambassador to Bahrain, Steven C. Bondy.

The Shura committee chairman and members welcomed the visiting delegation, praising the advanced level reached by the Bahraini-US relations across various fields.

Al Romaihi asserted that the ongoing cooperation between the Shura Council and the US Congress stems from the long-standing Bahrain-US strategic relations, supported by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

He highlighted the importance of the visit in exchanging expertise and enhancing bilateral relations in the legislative, economic, political, security and social fields.


The legislative branch attaches utmost importance to highlighting the kingdom’s achievements at the regional and global levels, particularly regarding its efforts and pivotal role in promoting peace, security and stability at the international levels, based on the approach of dialogue and positive openness to all, Al Romaihi added.

He referred to the joint efforts exerted by the legislature and the executive branch, led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to achieve the kingdom’s ambitious national goals, and make it a positive contributor to the international endeavours aimed at achieving development, security and peace.

Al Romaihi paid tribute to the Shura Council Chairman, Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh, for his constant support for exchanging expertise with other legislative councils and parliaments.

The Shura committee chairman and members stressed that the kingdom’s legislation, laws and regulations aim to protect human rights, achieve social justice and pave the way for the best democratic and civilisational practices.

They asserted that the Kingdom’s development achievements constituted a quantum leap in its modern history at the political, economic, security, social, sports and cultural fields, reflecting the positive outcome of the system of renewable legislation and laws in the state of institutions and the law.

The US Congress delegation head lauded the ongoing Bahrain-US relations of friendship and cooperation, noting that the visit will provide an opportunity to exchange opinions regarding various challenges facing the world, as well as contribute to broadening bilateral cooperation.