*** ----> US calls for global efforts to eliminate weapons of mass destruction | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US calls for global efforts to eliminate weapons of mass destruction

TDT | Manama              

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Julia Cassano

The United States yesterday raised its concern on the continued use of chemical weapons by Russia and Syria and stressed the need for those countries to fully comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention(CWC).

During a digital briefing announcing the destruction of the last chemical weapon in the US, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Denise Jenkins stated, “The United States continues to support the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) and will continue to work with states parties and continue to call on parties who are in violation of the chemical weapons convention including Syria and Russia to return to full compliance.”

The CWC is a multilateral treaty that bans chemical weapons and requires their destruction within a specified period of time. She noted that these types of weapons are being used in regions to create instability and distress.

Working multilaterally with countries in the region is an efficient way to address the harmful effects of these weapons and deter countries from using them, she added.

“We use treaties that include quite a few countries that might be in the region to work multilaterally to address arms control disarmament issues, and weapons of mass destruction,” the ambassador said. Asked about the possibility of talks between the US and Russia, Ambassador Jenkins said although the US is ready to talk with Russia, it is not a simple task.

“We are waiting for Russia to act in good faith,” she added. Jenkins further said, “This is an obvious obstacle as it is reasonable to question if they are acting in good faith currently. But beyond that, we understand the obstacles and Russia’s own rhetoric.

However, it was important for the US to signal that from our side there is the willingness for discussions with Russia, but it has to be right.”

Answering a question about the possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia and ways to deter Putin from doing so, the ambassador said, “When you have a leader like Putin who has made threats about the potential use of nuclear weapons, of course it raises alarms and concern in the international community.”

Image Caption: An activist wearing a mask of Russian President Vladimir Putin stands next to fellow activists of the IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) peace organisation posing behind a mockup of a nuclear bomb as they demonstrate for the abolition of nuclear weapons in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin. (AFP)