*** ----> Bahrain's Partnership and Contributions Report compares pre and post COVID achievements | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain's Partnership and Contributions Report compares pre and post COVID achievements

TDT | Manama                   

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The newly launched partnership and contribution report highlights Bahrain’s commitment to and engagement with the international community in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The report, launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is divided into two phases, pre-COVID and post-COVID, allowing for an assessment of Bahrain’s achievements.

Emphasising SDG 17, the report examines six key areas: Opening Opportunities, Development and Humanitarian Assistance, South-South Cooperation, International Awards and Conferences, Regional and Global Organisations, and Recognised Revenues and Cultural Contributions.

According to the report, Bahrain boasts numerous economic opportunities, including a robust legal and financial infrastructure, universal access to jobs, healthcare, education, and security. It says the country also demonstrates religious freedom and tolerance, exemplified by the presence of the largest Roman Catholic Church in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Bahrain’s collaborations with other countries and entities regionally and internationally is also on focus. Notable partnerships highlighted include the University of Bahrain’s collaborations with UNDP, NASA, the Confucius Institute, AWS, and other universities, focusing on promoting the SDGs, renewable energy, sustainable development, innovation, and women’s empowerment.

The report also highlights Bahrain’s reception of significant international awards in recent years. Additionally, it showcases the Kingdom’s active involvement in providing humanitarian assistance, both domestically and internationally, especially during the pandemic.

During the conference, Shaikh Abdulla bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, the Undersecretary for Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphasised the strong partnership between the government of Bahrain and the United Nations, with a specific focus on SDG 17.

He highlighted the importance of cooperation and partnerships, as they enable the sharing of resources, knowledge, and expertise for long-term development and addressing immediate crises.

He stressed: “Bahrain has both imported various technologies and educational resources and exported its own expertise to other countries for development purposes. The government has collaborated, networked, and expanded its businesses abroad through partnerships with other countries.

And the Kingdom supports both local and international startups.” Bahrain, he said, continues to prioritise and leverage partnerships with the government, civil society, UN organisations, and the private sector. These collaborations directly contribute to SDG 17, serving as a crucial element for achieving the broader SDGs.