*** ----> Bahrain to summon Sweden ambassador to protest Quran burning | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain to summon Sweden ambassador to protest Quran burning

TDT | Manama                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain strongly condemned the tearing up of a copy of the Holy Quran by an extremist in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, in a disgraceful and provocative act that incites extremism and fuels hatred.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its total rejection of such repeated actions and practises that are inconsistent with all human values and freedom of religion and belief.

The ministry announced that it would summon the Swedish ambassador to Bahrain to hand him a protest note against the continued authorization of some extremists to desecrate the Holy Quran.

The ministry said that it would urge the Swedish authorities to take legal measures to prevent such heinous practises that violate religious teachings and fuel fanaticism and extremism.