*** ----> Conviction in police station attack case overturned | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Conviction in police station attack case overturned

The Supreme Appeals Court yesterday overturned the conviction of a man accused of attacking a police station.

The case has been going on in various courts for almost four years now, and it began before the National Safety Court, which was set up in March 2011 after an unrest.

The defendant was among 19 held guilty by the National Safety Court of attacking Al Khamis Police Station. He was handed down five years in prison.

The Military Public Prosecutor had earlier said that the defendants attempted to set the station ablaze by pelting it with firebombs and iron rods as well as stones. They were said to have blocked the door leading to the station in a bid to obstruct the police officers from reaching the area.

The Supreme Appeals Court said in its verdict that it did not concur with the military prosecution on accusing the appellant as there was no proof that he was among the other charged defendants. The defendant was referred for trial based on the testimonies of three defendants.