*** ----> Bahrain committed to protecting labour rights: HH Shaikh Nasser | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain committed to protecting labour rights: HH Shaikh Nasser

Agencies | Rome                        

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

On behalf of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, HM the King's Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, National Security Advisor His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa today attended the International Conference on Development and Migration in Rome, the Republic of Italy.

HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Staff Colonel Shaikh Khalid bin Jaber Al Khalifa, Deputy National Security Advisor, and Bahrain Ambassador to the Republic of Italy Dr. Nasser Mohammed Al Balooshi.

HH Shaikh Nasser stressed Bahrain's firm commitment to supporting labour rights and combating all forms of human trafficking, which earned the Kingdom international recognition, in addition to landmark achievements which marked the prosperous era of His Majesty the King.


HH Shaikh Nasser noted that Bahrain's commitment to upholding stems from the visions of HM the King, which contributed to building an integrated legislative and human rights system that supports the labour market and enhances the Kingdom's standing in the field of developing the work environment and combating trafficking in persons.

He underscored the importance of harnessing international concerted efforts to address challenges related to labour market systems and support initiatives aimed at reducing human trafficking and the phenomenon of irregular migration.

His indicated the importance of such forums and conferences as platforms to exchange international expertise, outlining solutions to various challenges, in a way that contributes to correcting practices and setting policies that help workers and employers' rights.


HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa delivered the following speech in the conference:

Your royal highnesses...

Your excellencies...

Distinguished guests...

The scourge of human trafficking and illegal - or irregular - migration remains one of the most complex challenges faced by humanity.

In any given year, the International Labour Organisation estimates conservatively some 25 million people are victims of human trafficking, of which more than 70 percent are women and girls.

The root causes of irregular migration are immensely difficult to address, because by definition they are international in scale and rooted in factors including conflict, climate change and socio-economic disparities between nations.

Certainly, resolving these issues and establishing legal pathways to migration sufficient to meet demand is a task beyond the reach of any one government or administration.

The Kingdom of Bahrain, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, is a longstanding and steadfast advocate of multilateral initiatives to address all forms of irregular migration. Indeed, as a kingdom we have maintained Tier 1 status within the US State Department's Trafficking in Persons report for six consecutive years.

As the third most densely populated country in the world, the Kingdom of Bahrain applauds the Rome Process and recognises the manner in which it seeks through consensus, cooperation and respect to prioritise the human being within a far-reaching response to a humanitarian crisis.


Over the coming weeks, months and years, the Kingdom of Bahrain will invest and work tirelessly with our international friends and partners in pursuit of the strategic objectives of the Rome Process

And by doing so make tangible differences in countries of origin for irregular migration throughout the Mediterranean region, the Middle East and Africa to foster better social stability, economic development and opportunity, and to address and reverse climate change.

Human trafficking is an evil trade, worth more than a $150 billion a year to the people-smugglers who facilitate it.

By working together in accordance with the protocols of the Rome Process, the nations present in this room today have a golden opportunity to strike against it decisively, and while doing so improve sustainably the quality of life for billions of people.

Bahrain is proud both to be a signatory to the Rome Process and to be a part of the solution to one of humanity's greatest challenges.