*** ----> Ombudsman investigates inmates’ hunger strike at Jau Prison in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ombudsman investigates inmates’ hunger strike at Jau Prison in Bahrain

TDT | Manama                                                

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com     

The Ombudsman’s General Secretariat announced yesterday that it was conducting an inquiry into the hunger strike staged by inmates at Jau prison in Bahrain.

The investigation, following notification from the prison management, categorically refuted claims of mistreatment or obstructing inmates from securing their rights.

Notably, the Ombudsman official also conveyed receiving communication from the inmates’ family members, expressing concern for their well-being.

Reportedly, the prisoners embarked on their hunger strike on August 7, 2023.

Ombudsman statements revealed that many of the hunger strikers’ demands are inconsistent with the provisions outlined in Correction and Rehabilitation Institution Law No. 18 of 2014 and its corresponding executive regulations, as designated by Resolution No. 131 of 2015.

Among the demands presented by the hunger strikers are requests for the redistribution of inmates to different buildings, extended visitation times, removal of glass barriers, an increment in permitted contact numbers, adjustment of communication tariffs, increased sunbathing periods, round-the-clock room access, and accommodations for collective religious practises.

The Ombudsman emphasised that their investigation hinges on ensuring that the inmates fully enjoy their rights, which encompass healthcare, visitations, contact with family, and a lack of mistreatment.

The senior official confirmed conducting interviews with centre officials, undertaking on-site assessments, and reviewing live CCTV footage.

Additionally, the Ombudsman confirmed that medical teams are on standby to address any potential medical emergencies.

The statement further confirmed that the Public Security Forces engaged in dialogue with the striking inmates to understand their demands and their alignment with legal provisions.

Stringent measures have been put in place to safeguard their health, including the availability of medical personnel in on-site clinics.

All protocols are meticulously documented via security cameras and medical records.

The Ombudsman's office affirmed its vigilant monitoring of the situation, simultaneously urging the inmates to conclude their strike.

They emphasised that channels are open to receive and evaluate their requests, with a commitment to take appropriate actions in response.

The General Directorate of Reform and Rehabilitation had said "the health and safety of all inmates is a priority, and all inmates have the same access to primary and secondary care as all citizens in Bahrain".

What did the Ombudsman say?

• Article 16 of the executive regulations of the Correction and Rehabilitation Institution Law governs the redistribution and transfer of certain inmates to different buildings. This reassignment is prompted by a prior investigation uncovering serious violations, leading to their reclassification. It’s crucial to note that these inmates are not subjected to any form of isolation.

• Regarding sunbathing and outdoor access, the centre’s management arranges a structured schedule to ensure equal and secure opportunities for all. This approach aligns with the executive regulations, guaranteeing both inmate safety and the consistent allocation of a two-hour daily outdoor period.

• In terms of inmates’ participation in congregational prayers and religious practices within the facility’s mosques, the General Secretariat acknowledged the correctional center’s administration for their dedication in facilitating such activities.

• In accordance with Article 27 of the Reform and Rehabilitation Institution Law, which emphasises the well-being of inmates and detainees, the center’s administration is entrusted with safeguarding religious rights while upholding security and order. Recent events during the Ashura season affirm this commitment, as stated in the statement.

• Regarding visitation procedure alterations and the addition of categories, the statement affirms the absence of violations. The centre has diligently adhered to these directives, maintaining compliance without any breaches.

• Concerning healthcare and educational appeals, government hospitals are accountable for administering healthcare within the Correction and Rehabilitation Centre, following protocols akin to external health clinics. The centre’s role revolves around logistics, efficiently managing inmate transportation to and from the facility.

• Articles 44 and 45 ensure inmates’ access to education up to the secondary level in coordination with the Ministry of Education. Additionally, inmates can pursue university studies at their own expense, upon meeting prerequisites and submitting requisite documents.

• When addressing the cost of calls, it’s essential to understand that the Correction and Rehabilitation Centre administration lacks jurisdiction in this realm. Pricing is determined by the service provider company, beyond the center’s purview.