*** ----> Unpaid salaries: British expat in dire straits | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Unpaid salaries: British expat in dire straits

TDT | Manama       

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Julia Cassano

A British citizen who was working as a painting superintendent at a Seef-based oil and gas services company alleged that he was on the verge of becoming homeless and hospitalised after not being paid salaries for months.

A complaint was filed with the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) two months ago, he said. David Hampton told The Daily Tribune that he gave a 30-day notice to resign on May 11, as required by the LMRA guidelines, but he has not yet been paid the salaries due to him since March this year.

The lack of response from the company to pay the salary dues is causing him and his family considerable hardship and has put them in severe financial distress, David said. "My situation here in Bahrain continues to deteriorate. I have a health issue (fibromyalgia) that requires immediate attention and daily medication. On top of this, I am unable to feed or water myself," David stated.

"Without access to the medication I so desperately need, the condition could become life-threatening," he said. Along with that, the rent for the flat he currently occupies is overdue, he added. David argues that his employer, who is also his sponsor, has been neglecting his urgent calls for assistance and resolution, and that he is now unable to take care of himself and his family.

David revealed that he is now relying on the generosity of others for minor food items and drinking water. "After more than a dozen attempts to get some type of response from my employer, they simply ignore my earnest request for resolution, and I am now being forced to stay in Bahrain against my will, under rapidly deteriorating and inhumane circumstances," the British citizen stated.

He expressed concern that he will not be able to survive much longer without food, drinking water, and daily medications and stressed that a medical emergency is looming. David filed a complaint with the LMRA on June 15 and is waiting for appropriate action.