*** ----> MPs'move to ban pork | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs'move to ban pork

Lawmakers are seeking to ban the sale of pork products in Bahrain, it has been recently revealed. 

The MPs’ intention comes to “preserve the Islamic Sharia by banning what Muslims have been forbidden to consume.”

This was mentioned in a proposal submitted to the Financial and Economic Affairs Parliamentary Committee by MP Abdulla Binhowail recently. 

The proposal, which initially received the committee’s approval, instructs to prohibit importing and selling pork products in Bahrain, considering that “it contradicts with the Islamic Sharia and is harmful from the medical perspective.”

Supporting his proposal, Binhowail said, “The second article of Bahrain’s Constitution stipulates that Islam shall be the religion of the State, Islamic Sharia a main source of legislation, and Arabic the official language. Consuming pork has been forbidden in the Holy Quran.”

The MP explained more, “Medically, pork meat consists of parasites within them, such as tapeworms, flukes, worms, and trichinae. Despite the advanced medical technologies, there is no cure for these parasitic diseases yet.”

The committee mentioned in a report that it had consulted the Industry, Commerce and Tourism Ministry about the proposal.

In its reply, the ministry stated, “Licensing the importation of all meat products, including pork, comes under the jurisdiction of the Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Ministry.”

“According to Law 8 of 2003 and the GCC veterinary  quarantine system, the official authority that is responsible for veterinary affairs is the one concerned about approving the importation of meat shipments, whatever its nature might be,” the Industry, Commerce and Tourism Ministry said, justifying that the matter doesn’t come under its authority.

The proposal will be discussed among the MPs and voted on during their weekly meeting on Tuesday.