*** ----> BENEFIT hosts Bahrain Future Leaders Summer Camp | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BENEFIT hosts Bahrain Future Leaders Summer Camp

TDT | Manama    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

BENEFIT, the Kingdom’s innovator and leading company in Fintech and electronic financial transactions service, announced hosting the Future Leaders Summer Camp for the summer of 2023 organized by Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB) and INJAZ Bahrain.

The program, which took place on August 22nd and 23rd, sought to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders by offering students an initial glimpse into the corporate realm.

BENEFIT hosted 80 male and female young students in Future Leaders Summer Camp aged 13 to 15 from intermediate schools.

The initiative promised to reflect BENEFIT’s dedication to youth development as well as its steadfast confidence in the value of diversity and inclusion.

The two-day event was filled with intriguing and informative activities aimed to provide students with significant insights into the business world.

The program’s highlight was a guided company tour, during which students had the opportunity to engage with BENEFIT’s Chief Executive, as well as officials from several departments.

These department members shared their expertise and skills, providing students with an insight into the various roles that enable a firm to prosper.

A significant component of the programme is the Innovation Challenge, encouraging students to push the boundaries, think creatively and collaborate to tackle real-world challenges.

This hands-on exercise develops critical thinking abilities, and also builds an entrepreneurial spirit and financial literacy amongst participants. Hanan Hasan, Manager, PR & Corporate Communication at BENEFIT, commented, “By opening our doors to these exceptional youths, we aspire to inspire them and offer them with the skills they need to lay the foundations for a successful future.”