*** Job vacancies in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Job vacancies in Bahrain

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The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Job vacancies in Bahrain for 7 September 2023  

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BEHBEHANI BROS.LTD has a vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17459999 or edo@behbehani.com.bh

INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRADING AGENCY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of AUTOMOBILES MECHANIC, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36288870 or SUZY_KANOO@KEKANOO.COM

AIRMECH COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17768200 or AIRMECH.BAHRAIN@AIRMECH.NET

GENERAL CONTRACTING & TRADING SERVICES CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17700663 or info@gcts-bahrain.com

GENERAL CONTRACTING & TRADING SERVICES CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17700663 or info@gcts-bahrain.com

S PLAZA SUITES HOTEL W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of ROOM ATTENDANT, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39992285 or SAEEDRADHI52@GMAIL.COM

RAFFA CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of CARPENTER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17731475 or Nasreen@rafco.co

WORLDECOR W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER(CONSTRUCTION).GENERAL, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17291853 or WD5862@BATELCO.COM.BH

ALZAIN TRADING CO LTD WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of AUDITOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17212444 or hrd@alzainjewellery.com

COMSIP - AL A'ALI COMPANY W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17773006 or AURELIEN.CHAUSSY@VINCI-ENERGIES.COM

ZOHAL CONSTRUCTION CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of SURVEYOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17877277 or zohalcc@batelco.com.bh

AHMED HAMAD JASSIM ALJOWDER CONTRACTING has a vacancy for the occupation of CONSTRUCTION WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17673922 or HAMAD691@HOTMAIL.COM

NATIONAL EXCAVATING EST. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39455537 or NEEWLL@BATELCO.COM.BH

ALFOUZ SERVICES CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of PLUMBER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17774477 or MAJED@FAWAZALZAYANI.COM

CHICKEN LAND BROASTED has a vacancy for the occupation of SANDWICHES MAKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39591911 or hz.mosawi@gmail.com

ROLANS AUTO SHINE has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33003262 or ABDULLA360.1@GMAIL.COM

Barakat Gents Tailoring has a vacancy for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17340960 or BAHRAIN59@GMAIL.COM

Barakat Gents Tailoring has a vacancy for the occupation of TAILORING FOREMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17340960 or BAHRAIN59@GMAIL.COM

KRYOLAN SECREAT BEAUTY SALON has a vacancy for the occupation of BEAUTICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36689261 or MMSBAHRAIN@GMAIL.COM

DAIRA CONTRACTING EST has a vacancy for the occupation of CARPENTER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39978399 or ahmed.gbs@gmail.com

ALBAQEI ALAKHDAR EST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS has a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36391000 or ALAALIA.JALIL@GMAIL.COM

YOKOGAWA MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA B.S.C. (CLOSED) has a vacancy for the occupation of MANAGER (FACTORY), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17358169 or sumedha.munasinghe@yokogawa.com

WAHAT ALBASHAER RESTAURANT AND PASTRIES has a vacancy for the occupation of WAITER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39696007 or VIANNA.BAHRAIN@HOTMAIL.COM

WAHAT ALBASHAER RESTAURANT AND PASTRIES has a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39696007 or VIANNA.BAHRAIN@HOTMAIL.COM

ALQANATER CAFETERIA has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39634489 or Shemeemaziz@gmail.com

ERNST & YOUNG - MIDDLE EAST has a vacancy for the occupation of ASSISTANT MANAGER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 38899982 or SARA.EBRAHIM@BH.EY.COM

Sayed zuhair has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39841310 or ZUHAIR_MAJEED@HOTMAIL.COM

AL TAKWEER CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for the occupation of MECHANICAL HELPER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36944476 or JAFFAR72@MSN.COM

AHMED ALI ZAINALDIN has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17562810 or KHALIDZAINALDIN@GMAIL.COM

ALTADHAMIN ALUMINUM CENTRE EST has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39186111 or AMJAD00@GMAIL.COM

ABDULAAL GULF AUDIT - Bahraini Partnership Co. has a vacancy for the occupation of SENIOR AUDITOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17500188 or INFO@GTBAHRAIN.COM

SOOFI RESTAURANT has a vacancy for the occupation of WAITER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17402651 or DARWISH648@GMAIL.COM

MegaMart has a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17341070 or anil.nawani@babasons.com

MOON STAR MOBILES has a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17442156 or 1210HUSSAIN@GMAIL.COM

I SMART FASHION has a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17342401 or HUSSAINFAREED@OUTLOOK.COM

JAHECON W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17244111 or JAHECON@BATELCO.COM.BH

AL KARAMA GRILL CO WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39611067 or AL-ASSY1@HOTMAIL.COM

AL - NAWAIM LADY HAIR DRISSING & BEAUTG has a vacancy for the occupation of BEAUTICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39455492 or ALNAWEM.ALBAHRAIN@GMAIL.COM

AIN ABDAN GRILLS has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 32211480 or MARYAMESMAIL440@GMAIL.COM

HASAN ALI MOHAMED ASADALLA has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39734734 or hamabahrain@gmail.com

QUEEN MACHINE PRINTING PRESS has a vacancy for the occupation of PRINTER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33226689 or ALI.GALLAF@LIVE.COM

ALHAMAD CONSTRUCTION & DEVLOPMENT CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17226618 or ACKR007@GMAIL.COM

ALHAMAD CONSTRUCTION & DEVLOPMENT CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of PAINTER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17226618 or ACKR007@GMAIL.COM

ALHAMAD CONSTRUCTION & DEVLOPMENT CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of CLERK, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17226618 or ACKR007@GMAIL.COM

ALHAMAD CONSTRUCTION & DEVLOPMENT CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17226618 or ACKR007@GMAIL.COM

ARMAN HOTEL has a vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39655474 or NAMALCO@BATELCO.COM.BH

Minds United pc Maintenance has a vacancy for the occupation of COMPUTER SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36360904 or jalal3155@gmail.com

TANAWWR AHALY BURI has a vacancy for the occupation of BAKER(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can contact 36664467 or ZUHAIRALQUBITI@GMAIL.COM

CONTRACK INTERNATIONAL W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of SUPT TECHNICAL SERVICES, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17534727 or ISA.BUALI@GMAIL.COM

TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD BAHRAIN has a vacancy for the occupation of SENIOR PROGRAMMER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17531709 or K.MAHESH@TCS.COM

SHAYEA LAUNDRY has a vacancy for the occupation of PRESSER (HAND), suitably qualified applicants can contact 39864064 or DALALSHAYEA363@GMAIL.COM

SAZ CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY DRIVER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33994476 or khalid111@gmail.com

NASS MARINE SERVICES CO WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of QUALITY INSPECTOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17725522 or yousif@aanass.net

MAGIC SHINE CLEANING CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36509129 or info@magicshinebh.com

LULU BAHRAIN HYPERMARKET W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of BUTCHER (ANIMALS), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17558558 or careers@bh.lulumea.com

LULU BAHRAIN HYPERMARKET W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of RETAIL TRADE SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17558558 or careers@bh.lulumea.com

LULU BAHRAIN HYPERMARKET W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17558558 or careers@bh.lulumea.com

MODA BITAR CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 32322274 or moda_bitar_bh@yahoo.com

RASHEED TO SELL FRESH MEAT has a vacancy for the occupation of BUTCHER (ANIMALS), suitably qualified applicants can contact 39819854 or BAHRAINE70@GMAIL.COM

HARDSCAPE CONTRACTING has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39055666 or roqayacr2007@gmail.com

NEW ALABUL GRILLS has a vacancy for the occupation of WAITER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39442545 or UYASER123@HOTMAIL.COM

KANI CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39646491 or SHAIKHMOHAMMED1976@GMAIL.COM

TAKE AWAY RESTAURANT has a vacancy for the occupation of KITCHEN AIDE, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36201441 or KFALKHAJA@HOTMAIL.COM

REEM EVENTS MANAGEMENT has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36323020 or suzanne@reemcompany.com

REEM EVENTS MANAGEMENT has a vacancy for the occupation of WAITER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36323020 or suzanne@reemcompany.com

AIN ALJAZEERA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 34092612 or BHOLAGI@YAHOO.COM

THANIMA RESTAURANT has a vacancy for the occupation of COOK(ASSISTANT), suitably qualified applicants can contact 33051116 or AXADOCLEARANCE@GMAIL.COM

ABU AMMAR STATIONERY has a vacancy for the occupation of SALES OFFICER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33981346 or MOHAMMEDALI1988@HOTMAIL.CO.UK

Fastlink Trading Services Co Wll has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39771190 or NIDHAM@FASTLINK.US

BAHRAIN SPECIAL TECHNICAL SERVICES STS CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 66741383 or info@BAHSTS.COM

BAHRAIN SPECIAL TECHNICAL SERVICES STS CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of FITTER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 66741383 or info@BAHSTS.COM

BAHRAIN SPECIAL TECHNICAL SERVICES STS CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of FABRICATOR(FIBERGLASS RODUCTS), suitably qualified applicants can contact 66741383 or info@BAHSTS.COM

HFT RESTAURANT has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39963335 or ZOZY1983@GMAIL.COM

NARJIS KHALIFA CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably qualified applicants can contact 66301144 or ALWAHADCCR@GMAIL.COM

AL KOOHEJI ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS & CONSTRUCTION WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER(CONSTRUCTION), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17701711 or lmra@kecc.me

RAY WHITE CONSTRUCTIONS & PROPERTIES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR(INTERNAL WORKS), suitably qualified applicants can contact 39600770 or info@batsco.net

VIBRANT SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17615858 or JALALEBRAHIM@GMAIL.COM

DAR ALNOOR SILK TAILORING W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17340960 or Salim59@hotmail.COM

AL TOOM FOR CAR ACCESSORIES has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17672697 or altoom6666@gmail.com

Dream World Construction Co. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39252020 or sharef.works@gmail.com

Relay Engineering Limited has a vacancy for the occupation of CARPENTER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17213958 or ANDREW.WRANKMORE@RELAY-ENGINEERIN.COM

Aljohara Althamena Cleaning has a vacancy for the occupation of OFFICE ASSISTANT, suitably qualified applicants can contact 66669929 or Omar_safwan2002@yahoo.com

Asid Restaurant has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 66708118 or info@awtadi.com

CONTRATECH W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17554430 or INFO@CONTRATECH-BH.COM

Brodan Contracting Co. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of SYSTEM ANALYST, suitably qualified applicants can contact 34347979 or DR.MENONKS@GMAIL.COM

Nojo Salon Co. wll has a vacancy for the occupation of BEAUTICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39721721 or NOOF@FALKHOR.COM

ANADA BHAVAN INDIAN RESTAURANT W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can contact 39971555 or ANAND@ALRIYADHGROUP.COM

POWER TECH DEVELOPMENT W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 34010755 or gm@powertechdevelopment.com

POWER TECH DEVELOPMENT W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of FITTER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 34010755 or gm@powertechdevelopment.com

Aspire Cleaning Services has a vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 38888675 or ABDUL-MUNEER@HOTMAIL.COM

EDMA BAHRAIN INSULATION has a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39420444 or hawra@edama.bh

AL BORG DIAGNOSTICS W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN(MEDICAL LABORATORY), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17100088 or a.fayez@alborglaboratories.com

Marvel aluminum workshop has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39577878 or ALGAWADAR@GMAIL.COM

MAUNA SERVICES has a vacancy for the occupation of MARKETING EXECUTIVE, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33330357 or MIRZAH@MAUNABH.COM

AL SAI ALUMINIUM WORKSHOP has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39966255 or Younis.shakeri@gmail.com

Stiller Agency for the Supply Workers w. l. l has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17717730 or ALAZZAMGROUP@YAHOO.COM

BREAD POINT BAKERY has a vacancy for the occupation of BAKER(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can contact 33394545 or sana191055@gmail.com

Water Color Interiors (Middle East) W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of QUANTITY MAJOR SURVEYOR (CONSTR.PROJECT), suitably qualified applicants can contact 13699000 or INFO@WATERCOLORME.COM

GHAZWEEN TRADING Co. WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 32288027 or BAHRAIN@GHAZWEEN.COM

URBASER BAHRAIN CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17534342 or sajilnath@urbaser.com

NASSER SAEED AL-HAJRI CORPORATION W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of SCAFFOLDER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17312220 or AHCGLOBE@BATELCO.COM.BH

NASSER SAEED AL-HAJRI CORPORATION W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17312220 or AHCGLOBE@BATELCO.COM.BH

NASSER SAEED AL-HAJRI CORPORATION W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of QUALITY INSPECTOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17312220 or AHCGLOBE@BATELCO.COM.BH

NASSER SAEED AL-HAJRI CORPORATION W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN (INSTRUMENT), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17312220 or AHCGLOBE@BATELCO.COM.BH

Zayoon Cleaning Company - Bahraini Partnership Company has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33332219 or ZAYOON.DOC@HOTMAIL.COM

BAWAREJ CONTRACTING CO.W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 13118898 or bawarej.bh@gmail.com

DUNE TOWERS CONTRACTING company partnership owned by hasan abdul has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 77140192 or BOB_200420@HOTMAIL.COM

IKAN CONTRACTING CO. WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of SERVICES HELPER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33402701 or ikan.bahrain@gmail.com

TITANUIM LINE GARGE has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17530012 or TITANIUMGARAGE2017@GMAIL.COM

BAHRAIN COFFEE BREWERS COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of COFFEE SERVER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17111722 or Aneesh@foodvestholding.com

Noor Al-Buraq upholstery has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36367476 or MAHDIYAEBRAHIM7@GMAIL.COM

METRIC MODERN CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17668584 or mmcrobin@gmail.com

PRESTIGE AUTO SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER (CAR MECHANICAL WORKSHOP), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17701871 or subashvenmony@gmail.com

GAJA SIGN CO. WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 13104656 or THIAGU830@YAHOO.CO.IN

GAMES CORNER Est has a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33974727 or Shafrin.mohammed34@gmail.com

Charcoal Gourmet Burger Snack W L L has a vacancy for the occupation of FOOD SERVICE WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17001720 or GOURMETBURGERBAH@GMAIL.COM

Golden Maxstar Uniform W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 38267447 or FAIZINC@YAHOO.CO.IN

ALEASTUR MIDDLE EAST W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33634409 or Control@ALEASTURME.COM

KORNATE LAUNDRY has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36604070 or LAUNDRYBH2@GMAIL.COM

Nooranas Cleaning & Maintenance WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36898913 or HASWARE22@YAHOO.COM

WELD TECH CO WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of WELDER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33786192 or FONE.COMMODITY@GMAIL.COM

ALAA INDUSTRIAL EQUPMENT FACTORY CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR (EQUIPMENT WORKSHOP), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17772900 or Y.RASHOODI@GMAIL.COM

DAR ALRABAT CONSTRACTING & MAINTENANCE Bahraini partnership comp has a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17237371 or KABATDARAL@GMAIL.COM

MARAYA TRAINING CENTER W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of MANAGER (MARKETING), suitably qualified applicants can contact 39616999 or MD@AMG.BH

SHIFA AL RIFFA MEDICAL CENTRE W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39824032 or HR.SHIFADARKULAIBMEDICALCENTER@GMAIL.COM

TOSTADO RESTAURANT has a vacancy for the occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can contact 36854585 or H.J-3372@HOTMAIL.COM

WHITE PEARLS COMMUNICATION W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39634887 or tausifkhan@whitepearlsbh.com

FASHION SENSE W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33860711 or YAYA_GHULAM@YAHOO.COM

ADA TRADING W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of UPHOLSTERER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39994219 or ASHRAFKASIM@ICLOUD.COM

DIL KUSH MEN SALON BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a vacancy for the occupation of BARBER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33110584 or SHETTYJAYA2018@GMAIL.COM

PAK PRO CONTRACTING CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of FOREMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36515888 or Q5020888@GMAIL.COM

ABDULLAH ALOTHAIM LEISURE CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36446560

SRISOUKYA W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of MASSEUR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39054585 or INFO@SRISOUKYA.COM

HAVANA GARAGE CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of MECHANIC, suitably qualified applicants can contact 34200813 or HAVNAGARAGECO@GMAIL.COM

ALAA ELDIN FOR ARCHITECTURAL ART W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33702106 or ELSSAFTY@GMAIL.COM

LOUMER GEMS W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of LEGAL ADVISOR AFFAIRS, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17836638 or RASHID.ALENIZI83@GMAIL.COM

ALBASHA CLEAN W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKERS(LAUNDRY), suitably qualified applicants can contact 33060241 or SAS20112011@GMAIL.COM

SAYACORP HOSPITALITY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of ACCOUNTANT(COST), suitably qualified applicants can contact 33637004 or kathrina.nisnisan@conradhotels.com

EMYLEES CAFE W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17442887 or JAS7112@GMAIL.COM

MAROOF CONSULTANCY CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33977049 or AHAMED.NABEEL@GMAIL.COM

TRIPLE NINE STARS CONTRACTING BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39074784 or LUCKYFALAKSHER786@GMAIL.COM

NDELL BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39238561 or HHAB650014@GMAIL.COM

COCOVANA W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of CASHIER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39468668 or H.ALMAJED@GMAIL.COM

ELBASMA FOR MARKETING W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of MARKETING EXECUTIVE, suitably qualified applicants can contact 32329487 or ABUIDRES@GMAIL.COM

IMAGE MEGA CONSULTANCY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 34615000 or ADANAFTAB8@GMAIL.COM

IHTSHAM BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33803636 or ITC.WLL786@GMAIL.COM

IHTSHAM BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of DRIVER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33803636 or ITC.WLL786@GMAIL.COM

ALSHAHEEN COLD STORE has a vacancy for the occupation of CASHIER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39042171 or ALI.MANSOOR99@GMAIL.COM

THE GREEN FLAME GAS COMPANY BRANCH OF A FOREIGN COMPANY has a vacancy for the occupation of WELDER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33657657 or INFO@GREENFLAMEGAS.COM

MEHAFIL CAFETERIA W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 35108786 or MRVILLIYAPPALLY@GMAIL.COM

UNICORP GULF CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of SAFETY OFFICER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39793339 or REZA@UNICORPWLL.COM

BRIGHTVISION MANAGMENT CONSULTANCY CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of DATA ENTRY OPERATOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 35013162 or INFO@SAMA4TRADING.COM

LAL CONTRACTING W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33229998 or LALLALBAHRAIN@GMAIL.COM

ROCKSTAR SALOON W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33472829 or MOHSANRAZA85@GMAIL.COM

WAVES VISITOR ASSISTANCE SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 37157449 or SHAHZAD1400@HOTMAIL.COM

ZILLA SERVICES CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33240774 or shakil.afzal@hotmail.com

SUFYAN TECHNOLOGY SERVICE W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of SALES OFFICER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 35456363 or MUSUFYAN638@GMAIL.COM

PHANTOM SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 38924587 or AHMAD.BKSERVICES@GMAIL.COM

MODERN ALBAQIE LAUNDRY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33299991 or HANAN.SAEED73@GMAIL.COM

MUHAMMAD TAIMOOR MARKETING AND PROMOTION W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 35619326 or GQS_CLEARANCE@HOTMAIL.COM

SWABI COMBINED SUPPORT SERVICES COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33147028 or AMIRKHANADRALI0@GMAIL.COM

AL BAQIA GENTS SALON W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of BARBER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33299991 or HANAN.SAEED73@GMAIL.COM

GLITZ REAL ESTATE CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36253266 or MUSHTAQ29Sp@GMAIL.COM

AYYAN NADEEM FOR CARGO HANDLING W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY DRIVER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 37565454 or AYYANNADEEMBH@GMAIL.COM

AYYAN NADEEM FOR CARGO HANDLING W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 37565454 or AYYANNADEEMBH@GMAIL.COM

BURGER STUDIO has a vacancy for the occupation of CHEF, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39055666 or BURGER.STUDIOBHR@GMAIL.COM

PHILIPPINE SCHOOL has a vacancy for the occupation of ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17645451 or info@psb.edu.bh

PHILIPPINE SCHOOL has a vacancy for the occupation of STUDENT COUNSELOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17645451 or info@psb.edu.bh

ADEL HUSSAIN ABDULLA HAMMADA ( SFOOG - 8464 ) has a vacancy for the occupation of SEAMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39470778 or ADEL.HAMADA7898@GMAIL.COM

S.JAAFAR ALI SHARAF HASAN / JIRAN ALKHAYR - 7809 has a vacancy for the occupation of FISHERMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39263338 or JALOOL-83@HOTMAIL.COM

EMAN AHMED MOHAMED GHULOOM has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39779667 or EMOO12345@HOTMAIL.COM