*** ----> Bid to tackle fake degrees soon | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bid to tackle fake degrees soon

A region-wide effort to tackle the issue of fake educational qualifications may soon be put in place, a report said.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is contemplating ways to curb the issue of job seekers and employees using fake degrees. Setting up a GCC website that would focus on quality education linked to bodies in Europe and elsewhere, establishing a joint body to establish a database of accredited institution and a department to be set up to accredit qualifications are some of the measures that could be implemented, a report in the Arab News stated.

The report quoted Noria Al Awadi and Hanadi Al Musin from Saudi Arabia’s National Education Accreditation and Quality Committee outlining several initiatives that could be implemented.

“The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is currently studying ways to set up a joint body that would prevent people from working in the region with fake qualifications.

The discussions are being held by the recently established National Education Accreditation and Quality Committee, as per the demand of the GCC general secretariat. Noria Al Awadi, chairman of the body, said that the proposed joint body would establish a database of accredited institutions, and for a department to be set up to accredit qualifications.

There would also be a GCC website that would focus on quality education, linked to bodies in Europe and elsewhere. 

Hanadi Al Musin, from the committee’s general secretariat, said the meeting was important because it was called for by the GCC higher education ministers, to identify and expose colleges handing out fake qualifications.” the report stated.

Earlier this year, a major scam was unfolded when a Pakistani firm, Axact, reportedly sold 200,000 fake degrees and other qualifications to people from the Gulf.