*** ----> Hundreds of eyesore posters removed from parts of Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Hundreds of eyesore posters removed from parts of Bahrain

TDT | Manama         

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Capital Municipality has successfully removed a total of 2,700 advertisement posters from various areas of Bahrain from January to August 2023.

It is part of the municipality’s ongoing efforts to maintain the overall appearance and present the capital in a respectable manner.

These intensive inspection campaigns cover all parts of the capital, including tourist spots, power stations, and traffic signs.


The Capital Municipality has launched these campaigns to combat the detrimental effects caused by the proliferation of random and violating advertisements. The primary goal is to ensure that the capital remains clean and aesthetically pleasing.

The areas most affected by the excessive presence of posters include densely populated residential areas such as Hoora, Gudaibiya, Juffair, and Umm Al Hassam, as well as the centre of Manama.

The municipality highlights the dangers posed by placing random posters on traffic signs, street names, and lighting poles, as they can obstruct important directional information and cause damage to private and public property.


In light of these issues, the Capital Municipality has called upon individuals and business owners to refrain from placing random advertisements, posters, and banners on building walls, facades, or public boards in streets and squares.

Instead, they are encouraged to utilise authorised means and advertising channels to promote their products and prevent the negative impact of distorting the overall view of the capital.