*** ----> Bahrain travel agency employee found guilty of health insurance forgery | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain travel agency employee found guilty of health insurance forgery

TDT | Manama         

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A travel agency employee in Bahrain was sentenced to one year in prison for forging health insurance documents and using them to provide travel insurance certificates.

The court decided to replace the custodial sentence with community service for the duration of the penalty.

The case was initiated after a report from the National Financial Investigations Centre at the Ministry of Interior revealed the detection of counterfeit health insurance documents.

The agency, which had a contractual relationship with the insurance company, forged these documents, mimicking the appearance of genuine certificates. The falsified documents were handed over to customers for a payment of BD5,000.

The Public Prosecution initiated an investigation, and the defendant was interrogated. The devices used in the crime were seized from his residence during a search. The defendant was detained and referred to the competent court, which found him guilty.

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