*** ----> Bahraini court orders wife to return to husband, rejects divorce claim | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini court orders wife to return to husband, rejects divorce claim

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Bahrain High Sharia Court has ruled that a woman must return to her marital home after leaving it and residing at her father's house without justification.

The court rejected her divorce claim, citing her allegations of poor treatment and lack of emotional support. The couple had been married for nearly three years before the wife left and took all her belongings.

The couple attempted reconciliation through the Family Reconciliation Office, but no settlement was reached. The husband's representative requested the court to compel the wife to return to the marital home.

The court referred the case to an investigation, where witnesses from both sides testified. However, the court was not convinced by the wife's witnesses' testimony regarding the proof of harm for divorce, as their statements were inconsistent and there was a conflict of interest, as one of the witnesses was the wife's father.

The court concluded that the wife's departure was without legal justification and lacked a proper foundation in reality and law. Therefore, the court ruled against her request and obliged her to return to the marital home.

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