*** ----> India launches platform to simplify repatriation of human remains from Bahrain, other countries | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

India launches platform to simplify repatriation of human remains from Bahrain, other countries

TDT | Manama                                    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Zahra Ayaz

In a major development that will give relief to Indian expatriates residing in Bahrain, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, has launched the e-Clearance for Afterlife Remains (eCARe) portal.

This innovative platform, accessible at https://ecare.mohfw.gov.in, seeks to streamline and expedite the process of obtaining public health clearance for transporting human remains to India from various countries.

The eCARe portal, a first-of-its-kind initiative, aims to simplify the repatriation process by integrating all stakeholders into a single interface. With the participation of the consignee, Airport Health Organisation, and airlines, this user-friendly portal ensures efficient coordination and prompt clearance of necessary documents.

Automatic periodic alerts and live status tracking features further enhance transparency and facilitate a smooth experience for applicants. The introduction of the eCARe portal comes as a welcome relief for families residing in Bahrain who have faced numerous challenges and delays when it comes to repatriating the remains of their loved ones back to India.

To shed light on the benefits of this groundbreaking initiative, The Daily Tribune spoke with Mr. Shudheer Thirunilath, the Global PRO and Country Head of Pravasi Legal Cell.



Significant milestone

Mr. Thirunilath emphasised that the eCARe portal represents a significant milestone in simplifying the repatriation process, offering a more efficient and transparent system compared to the previous approach.

Mr. Thirunilath highlighted the importance of obtaining the provisional clearance certificate, as it plays a crucial role in obtaining the necessary permissions from the authorities. The eCARe portal provides real-time updates on the status of the application, allowing stakeholders to track and confirm the progress of the repatriation process.

He further explained the expedited timeline facilitated by the eCARe portal. In a typical scenario, when a death occurs, the proceedings are initiated promptly, ideally on the same day. The required documents, such as consent from the family, the employer’s confirmation, and the death certificate from the Ministry, are obtained swiftly.

The necessary clearance letters are then acquired from the embassy, followed by the Foreign Affairs Department and CID, ensuring a smooth process for booking cargo and transporting the remains to India. “With the eCARe portal, stakeholders no longer need to rely on manual confirmations from individual airports.

Instead, they can access the centralised system using a username and password to check updates on the status of the body, including confirmation and flight details. This efficient and user-friendly approach eliminates the delays and uncertainties that were previously encountered,” he added.

Centralised system

Mr. Thirunilath expressed his satisfaction with the eCARe portal, noting that it has significantly reduced the time and effort required to obtain necessary clearances. The centralised system has provided a reliable source of information and streamlined the repatriation process, ensuring a smoother experience for all stakeholders involved.

In conclusion, the eCARe portal has revolutionised the repatriation process for Indian expatriates, offering a transparent and efficient system. Through a centralised approach, stakeholders can now obtain timely updates and track the progress of their applications, eliminating the need for individual airport confirmations.

The introduction of this groundbreaking initiative is a testament to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s commitment to supporting Indian expats during their most challenging times.