*** ----> Five Asians arrested in Bahrain for sale of banned tobacco product | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Five Asians arrested in Bahrain for sale of banned tobacco product

TDT | Manama                                    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Zahra Ayaz

In a major crackdown on illegal activities, Bahrain Police has apprehended five individuals of Asian descent, aged between 28 and 35, for their involvement in the possession and sale of prohibited tobacco materials known as “Tumbak.”

The market value of the confiscated contraband is estimated to be approximately BD60,000, highlighting the magnitude of the illicit trade. The Capital Governorate Police Directorate, in their relentless efforts to combat crime and protect society from the harmful effects of prohibited substances, acted swiftly upon receiving crucial information about the incident.

Launching comprehensive search and investigation operations, the vigilant police force successfully identified the suspects and apprehended them at a shop located within the governorate’s capital.

According to our sister paper Al Ayyam, the Capital Governorate Police Directorate revealed that the illegal tobacco materials were cleverly concealed within rolls of fabric, indicating the perpetrators’ attempts to evade detection.

However, the diligent efforts of the law enforcement officers prevailed, leading to the discovery and subsequent seizure of the hidden contraband. Tumbak, a banned tobacco product, has long been associated with various health risks, including addiction and serious respiratory ailments.


Swift action

The authorities’ swift action in curbing its distribution and sale not only protects the community from the harmful effects of such substances but also sends a clear message that illicit activities will not be tolerated within the Capital Governorate. Legal measures have been promptly initiated by the Capital Governorate Police Directorate, and the case has been referred to the Public Prosecution.

This ensures that those responsible for the illicit trade will face appropriate legal consequences for their actions. The Capital Governorate Police Directorate urges residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities or information related to the trade of banned materials.