*** ----> Bahraini conquers highest peak in Azerbaijan and Dagestan! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini conquers highest peak in Azerbaijan and Dagestan!

TDT | Manama    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The fearless and inspiring Semreen Ahmed from Bahrain has recently conquered Mount Bazarduzu, the highest peak in Azerbaijan and Dagestan, standing at a towering 4,466 metres.

The breathtaking Mount Bazarduzu is a mountain peak in the Greater Caucasus range on the border between Dagestan, Russia, and Azerbaijan.

Over an extraordinary two days, the Bahraini adventurer and her guide Rinat began their expedition from the remote region of Quba in the Caucasus mountains of Azerbaijan to achieve yet another amazing accomplishment.

“Mount Bazarduzu isn’t as well-known as some of the other mountains, and during my attempt, I had the entire range to myself and my guide,” Semreen told The Daily Tribune.

With no one else on the peak, Semreen stated that, while it can be quite frightening if you let your mind wander, the disconnect in the blissful, powerful nature made it a unique and insightful experience.

Despite being an expert in completing her awe-inspiring adventures, Semreen shared that several difficulties arose during her two-day journey.

“I had skipped the acclimatisation rotations, and we were covering a big elevation gain in one go, so I felt slow but didn’t push myself to avoid getting altitude sickness.”

She also encountered extra difficulties in navigating the rocky terrain and crossing the river sections while wearing crampons (a traction device attached to footwear to improve mobility in the snow and ice when climbing).

But the brave and determined Bahraini triumphed through those risky challenges and reached the summit with the Bahraini flag grasped tightly in her hand.

The meaning behind her expeditions is, "For me, the mountains are much more than reaching the summit. It's about testing my limits and being able to witness the raw power and beauty of nature,” she said.

“It also gives me a break from the rat race and materialistic world to appreciate the simpler things in life.”

In between the giants of nature, Ahmed shared that the feeling of insignificance at the top humbles you.

“It’s really about the sense of achievement, personal growth, and self-discovery that comes from overcoming challenges and conquering new heights.”

Feeling a sense of pride and gratitude, she said the most incredible aspect of achieving another accomplishment is inspiring others to pursue their dreams and conquer their own mountains.

“To know that my journey can ignite a spark of motivation in someone else is truly humbling and fulfilling,” the inspiring adventurer said.

Semreen achieved another remarkable milestone in August of this year by reaching the summit of Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain peak in Europe, soaring at a towering height of 5,642 metres.

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