*** HM King Hamad's speech at opening of 2nd session of 6th legislative term of Bahrain National Assembly | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HM King Hamad's speech at opening of 2nd session of 6th legislative term of Bahrain National Assembly

TDT | Manama    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

In the name of God the most Merciful, the most Compassionate

Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family and companions,

Distinguished Brothers and Sisters, Members of the National Assembly,

May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you,

With God's blessing and help, we are pleased to open the second session of the National Assembly in its current term, looking forward with you to a fruitful working session on the path of advancement and prosperity in our blessed national march, which is heading, with confidence and resolution, towards further improvement, development, and prosperity. 

In this country, which is open to all enlightened thought and sincere opinion, we have recorded  –  together – the most important historical moments and positions, and we have been able, in accordance with the higher interests of Bahrain, to raise high the banner of reform and modernization, independently without any external influence, to meet our common goals and aspirations, according to what was unanimously agreed upon by the national will. 

It is important that our Bahraini society, which is known for its civilized awareness and independent decisions, continues to preserve its gains and to stand united against everything that undermines its unity and stability, with sincere faith and the values of human coexistence.

By the grace of God, and thanks to this national awakening, our country keeps its head held high, no matter how severe the challenges, which are overcome at all times through the determination of its people and the solidity of their will, and the continued stability of its constitutional institutions including the judiciary, which is independent in its decisions, and keen to continue its reforms and achievements at the judicial and human rights levels.

We are advancing hand in hand, with the same strength and determination, and in a patriotic spirit that knows nothing but victory and prestige for the nation of all, the responsibility for which we inherited from the builders of its modern renaissance, who believed in what they pledged to God and assumed their national responsibilities in the best way. In keeping with our duty of gratitude to them, we will continue to celebrate their memory in honour of their contributions, may they rest in peace.

Distinguished guests, this is a timely occasion to renew our pride in what has been achieved by the legislative institution, the development of which we have ensured, from the outset, stems from the heart of the popular will. This model, proud of its uniqueness, will remain independent with your will and rich with your contributions, and we have a lot ahead of us to accomplish with you.

While commending the performance of our National Assembly, we cannot fail to commend the efforts of the executive authority and its notable keenness to maintain the highest levels of cooperation with the legislative authority, a fruitful and constructive cooperation which takes into account the interests of the country and its citizens.

We also must note the sincere endeavours of the Government, under the leadership and guidance of our faithful Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to translate national aspirations through a participatory approach, to preserve Bahrain's developmental leadership, and to maintain its position as a platform for intellectual and civilizational rapprochement between religions and cultures, and as a destination characterized by its heritage and ancient character of its cities and districts.

Here, we direct that an action plan is put in place related to the preservation of the historic and cultural identity of the buildings and cities of Bahrain, and we will work, in this context, to revive the Isa Grand Palace, which we will adopt as one of the main headquarters of our work, along with the neighbourhoods known in the city of Muharraq, to which we look forward to the return of its people, in honour of that national glory witnessed in the homeland of generosity and dignity.

Based on the fact that our world listens only to the voice of strong and influential alliances in the march of civilizational progress, our endeavours continue to strengthen relations of rapprochement, integration and coordination of positions on a solid basis of harmony, consultation and fraternal cooperation, under the umbrella of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and within the League of Arab States. This is something that we have never stopped supporting and serving the interests of, in order to achieve its aspirations for the good and advancement of the countries and peoples of the region. 

The first Arab issue will remain our top priority, and the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain in promoting and supporting comprehensive peace efforts to find a just solution to the Palestinian issue is a firm and unambiguous position, leading to a two-state solution in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative, in a manner that guarantees the right of the brotherly Palestinian people to establish their independent State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, with peaceful endeavours and de-escalation being the only option in the face of the current escalation in order to reach the desired solution.

In conclusion, we extend deep appreciation to every sincere national effort in the fields of work and production, and in particular we salute and appreciate our valiant armed forces with all their agencies and all their cadres, as they perform their duty with all merit and courage to preserve the sovereignty of our dear Kingdom and for its further advancement.

The great sacrifices of our righteous martyrs in the fields of honour in defence of what is right and for the victory of the nation, will always remain immortal in our conscience. We pray to God Almighty to bless their pure souls with His mercy and to enter them into the vastness of His paradise, for He hears and answers our prayers.

May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

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