*** Royal call for unity towards progress hailed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Royal call for unity towards progress hailed

TDT | Manama                                 

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

MP Dr. Maryam Al-Dhaen affirmed that the contents of the high-level speech of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa have focused on working towards further improvement, development, and prosperity, and seeking to achieve the supreme interests of the Kingdom of Bahrain in a manner that meets our aspirations.

She noted that the preference of HM the King for preserving the gains would be achieved by uniting and addressing everything that undermines the unity and stability of society, through cooperation and integration among all segments and components of society, and through the consolidation of the values of human coexistence.

MP Al-Dhaen said” “I appreciated the pride of His Majesty the King in the achievements of the legislative institution, asserting that the contents of His Majesty’s speech represent a road map for the National Assembly, where vision and royal will are the beacon for moving forward towards the fulfilment of national responsibilities.

“We will work to develop the system of legislation and laws, as well as fruitful cooperation with the executive under the leadership of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Prime Minister, and to achieve greater national gains through joint efforts between the legislative and executive branches and the translation of national aspirations to maintain Bahrain’s development leadership and its high standing as a platform for intellectual and cultural rapprochement among religions and cultures.”

He noted His Majesty preference for closer rapprochement under the auspices of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the League of Arab States (LAA) is based on his belief in the unity of objectives and common destiny.

This rapprochement will contribute to the achievement of coordination, complementarity, and coherence in all fields, leading to comprehensive peace endeavours and efforts. It also signals the role of parliamentary diplomacy in spreading the values of peace and consolidating security and stability, which is the basis for the development and prosperity of States.