*** ----> Thousands rally in Busaiteen for justice and humanity of Palestinians | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Thousands rally in Busaiteen for justice and humanity of Palestinians

TDT | Manama    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Zahra Ayaz

In a powerful display of solidarity for the Palestinians, over 2,000 citizens and residents of Bahrain gathered in a rally organised by the Palestine Support Society in Al-Sayah, Busaiteen, yesterday evening.

The Palestinian Ambassador to Bahrain, Taha Abdul Qader, graced the occasion as a special guest, emphasising the significance of unity and support for Palestine.

Protestors arrived at the scene carrying flags and banners adorned with powerful slogans.

Phrases such as ‘I stand by Palestine’, ‘You cannot win a country protected by Allah’, ‘The rocket may be above us, but they have forgotten that Allah is above them’, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’, and ‘Long live the righteous fight for liberation’ resonated throughout the gathering, capturing the determination and resilience of the attendees.


The demonstration was a direct response to the ongoing atrocities committed by the Zionist occupation in Gaza, where missiles and weapons have targeted defenceless civilians, including women, children, and the elderly, and caused extensive damage to homes, hospitals, and schools.

During his impassioned speech at the protest, Mohammed Hamad, a speaker, stressed the importance of seeking the truth and uncovering the reality behind biased narratives.


Quoting Irish politician Richard Boyd Barrett, he reminded the crowd that opposing colonialism requires consistency and a rejection of all forms of oppression.

Hamad highlighted the self-interest-driven motives of certain powers, which often overshadow the principles of truth and justice.

Hamad urged the attendees to imagine their homes being invaded and their belongings being claimed by others.


He emphasised that it is incumbent upon every individual to stand up for what is rightfully theirs and not passively accept injustice.

In a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Palestinian people, Hamad declared, “The land you kill for is not yours, but the land you are willing to die for is.


And I promise you, you can kill us one by one or take our homes, but as long as there is one Palestinian breathing, you will never have Palestine.”

He pointed out that it is the responsibility of each individual to educate themselves and those around them about the ongoing situation.


He challenged the crowd to rise above ignorance and indifference and to take a stand for justice and humanity.

Hamad concluded his speech with a call to action, urging the protestors to break their silence and amplify their voices against oppression.

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