*** Leadership condoles Saudi mosque attack | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Leadership condoles Saudi mosque attack


 His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has sent a cable of condolences to the Saudi King Salman over the victims of the heinous terror blast that targeted Qatif in the Eastern Province.

 HM the King expressed the kingdom’s strong condemnation of such a cowardly terror attack that is criminilised by all divine religions, and contravenes all human values.

 King Hamad reiterated Bahrain’s full-fledged support to brotherly Saudi Arabia and its efforts to reinforce its security and stability. The King extended sincere condolences and consolation to the families of the victims, and wished the injured speedy recovery.

Bahrain affirmed that religion is innocent of this heinous terrorist act, stressing that its perpetrators are stripped of all moral and humanity values and they don’t belong to our Islamic faith known for its teachings and principles of tolerant or the other divine religions."

 Bahrain reiterated its rejection of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations whatever its motives and justifications maybe and its solidarity with the international community's efforts to eliminate such dangerous acts threatening the world and its peoples.

Parliament Chairman Ahmed Al Mulla has reiterated Bahrain’s full support to brotherly Saudi Arabia and its efforts to combat terror acts aimed at sparking sedition in the region, jeopardizing national interests and claiming the lives of innocent people.

Al-Mulla warned of the foreign plots carried out by extremist terror groups, stressing the need to apply the law to deter such acts. He affirmed that stepping up solidarity among peoples would foil terror attacks and prevent those behind them from benefiting from them.

Al-Mulla stressed that the Council of Representatives strongly denounced such a sinful attack. Al-Mulla added that the security of Saudi Arabia and that of Bahrain are indivisible, and no harmful or sedition-causing act will be allowed.

He expressed full confidence in the ability of the Saudi security authorities to arrest the perpetrators and those who support them, noting that terrorism belongs to no religion and has no boundaries, and therefore, should be confronted firmly and resolutely.

The Shura Council has also condemned in the strongest terms the attack saying such a heinous crime is rejected by all divine religions and human values.