*** ----> Beachside riding horses in Bahrain experience exhaustion due to inadequate nutrition and care | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Beachside riding horses in Bahrain experience exhaustion due to inadequate nutrition and care

AFP | Jerusalem                                               

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Zahra Ayaz

The popularity of horseback riding near beaches and parks has soared, attracting both locals and tourists seeking leisurely activities in Bahrain. However, the well-being of the horses involved in these ventures has become a subject of growing apprehension.

Witnesses have noted that these horses, which should be robust and healthy, often display signs of physical and mental exhaustion. Speaking to The Daily Tribune, Osama Al Ali, partner at Aali Equestrian Club and Horse Riding School, shed light on the situation.

He pointed out that limited budgets in some stables could result in insufficient funds to purchase adequate and proper feed for the horses. Additionally, a lack of experience in implementing a suitable diet system and reduced feeding during the summer season contribute to the horses’ weakened state. “Horses’ digestive systems work more efficiently when they are active,” explained Al Ali.

“However, some stables reduce the amount of feed during the summer months when activities are minimal. Furthermore, certain horses may require a specific type of feed, but they are forced to consume regular feed, which can negatively impact their health. Owners and grooms must be knowledgeable about the dietary requirements of each horse.”

Al Ali emphasised the importance of stables and clubs having a comprehensive understanding of horse dieting. He recommended that horses undergo health checkups at least twice a year. Moreover, he stressed that the proper care of horse hooves should be a top priority.

Dietary needs

“Different breeds of horses have different dietary needs,” Al Ali continued. “Thankfully, our country provides a wide range of feed and nutrition options. We tailor the feed based on the breed and conduct regular health checkups to ensure the horses’ well-being.” When asked about the measures taken at his club, Al Ali outlined several practises aimed at maintaining the horses’ health.

“We administer vaccinations to all horses every six months and prioritise hoof care, scheduling trimming and shoeing at least once a month.” He said that feeding proper nutrition based on the horse’s activities, daily cleaning of the stables, providing a comfortable environment, regular worming every six months, and round-the-clock grooming are all part of our commitment to ensuring the horses’ optimal health. Al Ali concluded by highlighting the cultural significance of horses in the Kingdom.

“Horse riding is deeply ingrained in our society. It is a common activity, hobby, and even business for many." Bahrain has always been at the forefront when it comes to horses, and it is not uncommon to find a significant number of people owning or riding horses. Equestrianism is widely available throughout the country.”

As concerns grow regarding the welfare of horses at local stables and clubs, it is expected that stricter regulations and increased awareness will be implemented to safeguard the well-being of these majestic animals.
