*** Coalition strike critic to be trialled | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Coalition strike critic to be trialled


 The General Secretary of a political society, who allegedly criticised Bahrain's participation in military action in Yemen, will be trialled on June 28. 

 National Democratic Assembly (Al Wahdawi) secretary general Fadhel Abbas is charged with spreading false news and promoting a propaganda that could damage the war effort, questioning Bahrain's political stance on war and defaming other countries for taking part in Saudi-led air strikes against Huthis. 

 The coalition countries launched air strikes against Huthi rebels in Yemen in March after Shi'ite militias sought to topple the Yemeni government led by President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

 Abbas allegedly described the joint operation in Yemen as an 'invasion' and an 'act of aggression' on social media networks on March 26. He was arrested the following day. However he pleaded not guilty in the High Criminal Court.  But his lawyer Abdullah Al Shamlawi argued that he did not breach the law, claiming Bahrain's constitution backed him up.

 Abbas' deputy in the society Mohammed Al Motawa is also standing trial in connection with spreading false about the same military operation.

 He has been charged with intentionally spreading false and malicious data that would harm armed military operations, and publicly insulting foreign countries.