*** ----> Bahrain court rules in favour of bank, orders woman to pay BD63,500 as loan repayment | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain court rules in favour of bank, orders woman to pay BD63,500 as loan repayment

TDT | Manama   

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A woman in Bahrain was ordered to pay BD63,500 instead of BD14,000 due to bank loan dues, a decision made by the Supreme Commercial Court of Appeal.

The woman obtained a loan of BD75,720 in 2010, with a 120-month repayment period. She requested to postpone installments twice, resulting in a BD77,990 loan.

The bank's lawyer argued that the woman failed to pay the remaining installments, violating the loan agreement.

A lower court initially ruled that the borrower was obligated to pay only BD14,000, but the bank appealed this sentence.

The court also ordered the woman to pay the fees and expenses of the lawsuit and attorney's fees. The bank's lawyer pointed out that the woman failed to pay the rest of the installments despite being given a period to postpone the installments.

The Court of First Instance ruled that the borrower was obligated to pay only BD14,000 after she submitted documents showing the remaining amount in her financial liability was only BD14,000.