*** 13 get 10-15 years’ jail for terror acts | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

13 get 10-15 years’ jail for terror acts

Thirteen Bahraini defendants, accused of creating and joining a terrorist cell, saw their citizenships revoked besides receiving jail terms ranging between 10 and 15 years.

Another three persons, earlier accused in the case, were acquitted but the High Criminal Court due to lack of evidence.

The cell was formed by the first defendant, and was run by him and the second and eight defendants, according to court files.

The ringleaders recruited their co-defendants, and several members of the cell, namely ‘Ahrar Al Qurayyah’ were said to have received training in using explosives. They were reportedly responsible for detonating several bombs in the areas of Tashan and Banj Jamra.

Among other targets that the defendants intended to bomb was the Saudi Embassy in Bahrain, prosecutors said.

Three police officers were injured in the attacks carried out by them, the court files revealed.

The third defendant told the prosecutors that he was invited by his first co-defendant to join the cell, and he confessed to possessing explosives, rioting and attacking police officers with firebombs.

The 11th defendant, on the other hand, said that his cousin who is living in Iran encouraged him to urge people who are living in Diraz to use explosives against the security forces, and he was shown how to make explosives by someone on BlackBerry.

He told the prosecutors that he participated in detonating a bomb in Qurayyah in 2014, which caused injuries to a cop. He also confirmed that he had forged IDs in order to obtain SIM cards that were used in triggering explosives. 

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