*** ----> WMC Toastmasters celebrates 20th anniversary | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

WMC Toastmasters celebrates 20th anniversary

TDT | Manama                                                        

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The World Malayali Council Toastmaster Club (WMC Toastmasters) celebrated their 20th anniversary on Nov 17, 2023 during their 474th meeting at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

The chief guest for this special occasion was the founder of this esteemed toastmaster club, Mr. A. S. Jose. This event was hosted by founder president Dr Babu Ramachandran.


The current President Ovin Crasta on behalf of WMC ExCom 2023-24 welcomed Mr. A.S. Jose, members and all the distinguished guests. Also present were alumni members of WMC.

A memento was presented during the event to Mr. A. S. Jose for empowering others and creating more leaders in our society. Along with this event, a club contest was held for Evaluation and Humorous speech categories for the year 2023-24.

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