*** Foreign Minister attends meet on countering Da’esh | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Foreign Minister attends meet on countering Da’esh

Minister of Foreign Affairs Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa took part in a meeting held at the US Department of State, in Washington, on countering the Da’esh organisation, where US Vice-President Joe Biden was present.

A brief was presented by the Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter Da’esh, Ambassador Bert Makourk, on the efforts by the coalition to counter Da’esh and the measures to bolster coordination between coalition members as well as the measures required to defeat and eliminate this organisation.

Addressing the meeting, Shaikh Khalid stressed that countering Da’esh had become a global necessity that could not be delayed, requiring unity among all nations, to consolidate all efforts and to work together in order to eliminate Da’esh’s criminal extremist ideology and brutal practices that do not have any connection to religion or humanity and that put the whole world in front of a fateful battle.

Shaikh Khalid renewed the firm position of the Kingdom of Bahrain and rejection of terrorism in all its forms and whatever the motives and justifications, and to cooperate with all efforts to eliminate the dangerous scourge that threatens all countries.