*** Flying the fancy skies | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Flying the fancy skies


 Charity was the big winner yesterday with a large sum of money raised for the Bahrain Down Syndrome Society at the British Club's 21st annual Birdman Competition for 'budding aviators' at the club's swimming pool at its Mahooz premises.

 The event was organised by the Llongsteppers cycling section of the club which featured around 20 youngsters in the children's category and a similar number in the 'not so grown-up' adults.

The event celebrating its 21st year, urged participants to wear fancy dress, focused on popular and topical themes and personalities when they dive into the pool. The winner will be decided on the basis how far they can "fly" down the length of the pool, but at present no one has yet achieved the feat so far.

 In the children's catagory, themed participants included Flying Eagles, 50 Shades of Hay, The Minions, Harry Potter, British Club Golf Section, Three Musketeers, Spiderman, Bahrain Spice Girls and Liverpool Luvers. All the 'would be aviators' selected a theme song or piece of music organised by DJ Jackie Beedie before jumping in both categories and entertain the audience before the plunge. Prize winners in the youngsters category were Flying Eagles for the longest jump, 50 Shades of Hay for best costume and Bahrain Spice Girls for entertainment value.

 The 'so called' adults section featured themed subjects such as Dastardly Dick, Birdman of Alcatraz, Leap Frog, Mr and Mrs at the Wedding, Top Gear, Brother Andrew, Bill Ben and Weed, Flying Rat Club, Lily The Pink, Beastie, MP's, Clowns and Aladdin.  Winners in this category were Leap Frog, for the longest jump, Mr and Mrs at the Wedding for the best costume and Borat Mark Robinson and Gabrielle Lysette for entertainment value. 

Proceeds for the named charity were raised through the sales of T-shirts, raffle prizes and entry fees.

"Another great day out for club members and guests and enjoyable for both participants and spectators with all proceeds going to a worthy cause and a big thank you to the Royal Hospital of Bahrain who were on standby throughout and African and Eastern," said Llongsteppers Chairman Stewart Walters. 

"Once again a great turn-out and a big thank you to all involved and supporting a good cause and raising lots of cash," said Simon Cox, a committee member of the Llongsteppers. 

Previous events have seen proceeds donated to local charities such as Hope Institute for Handicapped, RIA School, Think Pink Bahrain, Bahrain Orphanage and Tony the Dogfather and last year Hope Institute for the Blind. Every year a similar contest takes place in the South of England on the Sussex coast where participants attempt to fly by jumping off a pier, which first started at Selsey in 1971 then to Bognor Regis in 1978, since 2010 both Bognor Regis and Worthing organise the International Birdman Series with big prize money on offer

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