*** ----> Interior Ministry marks Bahrain Police Day to honour personnel’s contributions and sincerity | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Interior Ministry marks Bahrain Police Day to honour personnel’s contributions and sincerity

TDT | Manama                                                    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Interior Minister HE General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa attended a celebration to mark Bahrain Police Day, held to remember the contributions and sincerity of police personnel.

He was received by the Chief of Public Security, Lt-General Tariq Al Hassan, officials and Interior Ministry officers. General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa delivered a speech in which he commended the Bahrain Police affiliates.


“You are the foundation of security and stability and protectors of the rights and safety of the nation and people. You are also the law enforcement through justice, humanity, and bravery. You have excellent and noble responsibility. May your status be elevated based on your integrity, the nobility of your humanity, and the continuation of your efforts and sacrifices so that Bahraini society can enjoy security and stability,” he said.

“So I must thank you because you sincerely fulfil your national duty. You should know that you are trusted and appreciated. Thank you all, and I’m proud of you for protecting the Bahrain Police journey.”


Police cadets General

Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa honoured the police cadets from the Royal Academy of Police (RAP) who obtained bachelor’s degrees in law and police sciences. The ceremony celebrated the dedication of the Interior Ministry to enhancing the skills of its workforce and meeting security work development. The Minister congratulated the graduates on their success and urged them to continue serving the nation with more effort and generosity.


“On this occasion, I also extend my congratulations to the graduates of the Royal Academy of Police, stressing that it is fortunate that you have received the honour of serving the King and the nation and that you have a path of hard work ahead of you, asking God to grant you success,” he said. The event also included a parade showcasing the participants’ competencies, disciplines, and excellence.