*** Brimful of debates, issues hog Parliament session | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Brimful of debates, issues hog Parliament session

MPs summed up a long session of intensive discussions on several vital matters with agreeing on a set of proposals that were referred to the Government for further studying.

The weekly meeting of the Council of Representatives was chaired by the Council’s Speaker Ahmed Al Mulla and was attended by Parliament and Information Affairs Minister Isa bin Abdulrahman Al Hammadi and Labour and Social Development Minister Jameel Humaidan.

While discussing a proposal that demands the government to establish gigantic industrial projects to accommodate unemployed Bahrainis, several MPs called for a bigger role of government-supported establishments, such as Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company and Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO).

Their demand was more keen when those companied informed in their reply to the proposal that it’s difficult to implement as no sufficient funds are available.

BD2 billion for Russian economy

MP Anas Buhunidi claimed that “Mumtalakat is supporting the Russian economy by annually pumping BD2 billion into it, while contributing nothing to the national economy.”

“They support the Russians to kill our brothers in Syria,” he commented, wondering, “why doesn’t Mumtalakat support projects that will develop the economy here. The latest reports from Bapco indicates that the company’s net profit last year was BD5bn. These amounts could be sure invested in solving the unemployment issue among Bahrainis.”

Buhindi’s statements came in support of obliging national companies of creating projects that would absorb Bahraini labour force.

He commented: “This would also benefit the country on the security level. There are many unemployed Bahraini graduates and youth since the unrest in 2011. These youth could be easily misled and exploited to be involved in 

vandalism acts in return of amounts of money. If they are jobless for such a long period, they would fall prey to these temptations and accept the offer.”

MP Ahmed Qarata said, “Mumtalakat capital is BD2bn and its assets are estimated to be BD8bn. Their reply that they have insufficient funds is shameful and negative.”

“The country is going through financial hard times and these companies should support Bahrain now more than ever,” Qarata added.

Sharing a different point of view, MP Mohsen Al Bakri suggested that regional investors could be coordinated with to establish such huge industrial projects.

He also hinted that the GCC Development Programme (GCC Marshall Plan) could be utilised to make this proposal come true.

Fishermen’s cabins to be reinstalled 

MPs voted for an urgent proposal that was discussed by the end of the session yesterday and was presented by Representative of Galali MP Mohammed Al Jowder.

The proposal called for immediate government action to return the cabins that were either removed or destroyed recently by Muharraq Municipality in Galali fishermen’s port.

The MP also demanded to launch an immediate investigation into the reports of a local journal, which he claimed “falsely reported that the cabins are used in illegal activities such as vice and narcotics’ smuggling, pushing the municipality to remove them without prior notice.”

Al Jowder thanked Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa for ordering an immediate investigation into the matter recently. 

“Save Al Jazayer Beach”

Another urgent proposal received MPs nod. The proposal came to oblige the government to take immediate action to secure Al Jazayer Beach, which was described as “the only public beach in Bahrain.” Presenter of the proposal was MP Jamal Dawood, who said he had personally inspected the beach lately, which is supposed to be under development works.