*** Kochi Metro Short Filmmaking Workshop in Bahrain successful | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Kochi Metro Short Filmmaking Workshop in Bahrain successful

TDT | Manama                                                    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The cinematic magic conjured by the Kochi Metro Film Institute India, a prestigious initiative of the Kochi Metro Short Film Festival (KMSFF), reached its crescendo as the Kochi Metro Short Filmmaking Workshop Bahrain drew its curtains on a high note.

The event, staged at the magnificent Theatre, Ahlia University, Kingdom of Bahrain, on December 13, 2023, was a vibrant celebration of talent and creativity. The evening opened with a heartfelt welcome from Mrs. Sreelekha Chandrashekhar, setting the stage for an exhilarating affair.

Mr. Ravider Elias, the Project Director, Actor, Writer, and Filmmaker extraordinaire at KMSFF, took center stage, painting an inspiring vision of the workshop’s role in nurturing the next generation of cinematic storytellers.

The gathering was graced by luminaries such as Prof. Christina Georgantopoulou, Dean of Edict at Bahrain Polytechnic, and Professor Mansoor Ahmed Hasan Husain Alaali, President of Ahlia University, Bahrain.

Their words of wisdom resonated deeply, underscoring the workshop’s pivotal role in sculpting raw talent and fostering a culture of cinematic excellence.

“Today, we stand in awe of the remarkable dedication and strides made by our workshop participants,” enthused Mr. Ravinder Elias.

“Their unwavering passion for the art of filmmaking serves as a beacon for the industry’s future.”



A shining moment arrived as Mr. Narendra Menon, the luminary Managing Director of Nikon Middle East, was honored for his unparalleled support and invaluable contribution to the workshop.

Mr. Narendra Menon reiterated Nikon Middle East’s commitment to nurturing creativity and innovation in visual storytelling. The distribution of certificates was a heartening affair, an ode to the perseverance and zeal exhibited by each workshop participant.

Over 90 enthusiastic students from Bahrain Indian School, Asian School, New Millennium School, Pakistan School, and Multinational School Bahrain, as well as students from the campuses of Ahlia University and Bahrain Polytechnic, actively participated in the six-day workshop.

They passionately honed their filmmaking skills, engaging in an enriching experience that culminated in the award of completion certificates. The Chief Guest and esteemed Guests of Honor extended their felicitations, paving the way for these emerging filmmakers to shine.


Mr. Anand Omanakuttan, Programme Manager at KMSFF, orchestrated a symphony of gratitude, acknowledging the collaborative efforts that led to the workshop’s resounding success. The evening culminated in a spirited photo session, capturing the infectious energy and tri[1]umph shared by the participants, encapsulating a tapestry of ac[1]complishment and camaraderie. The valedictory function of the Kochi Metro Short Film[1]making Workshop Bahrain tran[1]scended boundaries, serving as a melting pot of talent, igniting creativity, and heralding a new era of storytelling in the cine[1]matic realm.