*** ----> Bahrain MP accuse Gulf Air of stonewalling parliamentary investigation | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain MP accuse Gulf Air of stonewalling parliamentary investigation

TDT | Manama                                                        

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A Bahrain parliamentary investigation into Gulf Air has hit turbulence, with the airline accused of stonewalling the committee’s efforts. MP Mohammed Al Ma’arifi, the committee’s head, voiced frustration at the lack of cooperation, claiming Gulf Air’s silence has cost over a month of valuable investigation time.

“We haven’t received a single peep from the company,” Al Ma’arifi declared. “Their unresponsiveness has crippled our progress, eating away at our four-month deadline to get answers.” Undeterred, the committee is taking off on a different flight path. Next week, they plan to embark on field visits, combing through Gulf Air’s files for clues related to their investigation.

This marks a bold move, utilizing all available legislative tools to navigate the airline’s alleged information blackout. But Al Ma’arifi isn’t just relying on paperwork. He revealed a planned meeting with the Minister of Communications and Transportation, Thamer Al Kaabi, hoping to get answers from the politician ultimately responsible for Gulf Air before Parliament.

Financial health

The committee’s questions are numerous, exceeding 48 in total, and delve deep into the airline’s financial health. This intense focus on the books suggests concerns about Gulf Air’s financial stability, a topic sure to raise eyebrows across the aviation industry.

With communication lines closed and field visits ready to take flight, the parliamentary committee is determined to crack open the black box of Gulf Air’s operations. Whether they encounter turbulence or smooth skies remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: their search for answers is just reaching cruising altitude.
