*** ----> Parliament pushes for better lives for citizens as inflation bites Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Parliament pushes for better lives for citizens as inflation bites Bahrain

TDT | Manama                                                     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

In a bid to combat rising inflation and ease the strain on Bahraini citizens' wallets, the Parliament yesterday unanimously approved a raft of recommendations aimed at boosting living standards.

The proposals, championed by a dedicated parliamentary committee, tackle everything from minimum wage hikes to price controls and improved healthcare access. The committee, led by MP Ahmed Sabah Al Saloum, identified the current minimum wage of BD442 as a major hurdle for many Bahrainis struggling with soaring costs.

To address this, they proposed a raise for civil servants while urging similar regulations for private sector employees. Social security also came under scrutiny, with the committee calling for a bump in the minimum subscription value to ensure a decent retirement pension.

Recognizing the need for a holistic approach, they further recommended a comprehensive study to define a minimum standard of living for Bahraini families. Beyond financial concerns, the committee emphasized the importance of enhancing essential services. MP Basema Abdulkareem championed improved healthcare and shorter housing waitlists, while MP Moneer Suroor highlighted the mismatch between current minimum wages and the needs of younger generations.

The parliament's swift approval of these recommendations sends a clear message to the government: the people's well-being must be a top priority. As inflation continues to bite, these proposed changes offer a glimmer of hope for Bahrainis striving for a more secure and comfortable life.

Parliamentary Investigation Committee recommendations on improving living standards

1. Increase Minimum Salary in Civil Service: Raise the minimum wage from 442 dinars to reflect rising living costs.

2. Set Minimum Wage for Private Sector: Establish a minimum wage law for private sector similar to that for public sector.

3. Equalize Living Allowances: Align public and private sector living allowances to uphold constitutional equality.

4. Reintroduce Overtime Allowance: Bring back overtime allowances to help citizens manage financial burdens.

5. Support Private Sector Wages: Continue and expand Tamkeen’s wage support programs for low-wage private sector workers.

6. Raise Social Insurance Threshold: Increase the minimum wage for private sector workers covered by social insurance to ensure adequate retirement pensions.

7. Define Minimum Living Standard: The Ministry of Sustainable Development, in collaboration with relevant authorities, must determine the minimum living standard for a Bahraini family.

8. Review, Update Sustainable Development Plans: Review and update Bahrain’s Sustainable Development efforts to improve citizens’ living standards.

9. Improve Housing, Healthcare, and Education: Reduce housing application wait times, lower housing unit prices, shorten surgery wait times, provide access to free medication in government hospitals, and reduce educational costs in private schools.

10. Support Consumer Prices and Businesses: Control prices, reduce customs duties on basic goods, exempt food from VAT, and lower market fees to support affordable living and business operations.