*** ----> Bahrain MP exposes mosquito swamps, crumbling roads in Northern nightmare | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain MP exposes mosquito swamps, crumbling roads in Northern nightmare

TDT | Manama  

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Mahir Haneef

Mosquito-infested swamps, unpaved roads, and absent sewage - these are the harsh realities facing residents of Bahrain's Northern Governorate, as laid bare by a fiery MP in Parliament yesterday.

Demanding decisive government intervention, MP Hanan Mohammed Fardan, representative of the Twelfth constituency of the Northern Governorate, painted a grim picture of neglect and hardship, urging immediate action to address the "thorny issue" plaguing the region.

She presented a slideshow in Parliament highlighting the issues.

Living in a Sewerage Nightmare

The MP's scathing exposé began with a malfunctioning wastewater system that forces untreated sewage onto palm groves and neighbouring fields, posing a serious health hazard.

She further drew attention to a cluster of houses surrounded by stagnant swamps, creating a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Roads to Nowhere

The deplorable state of roads was another major concern. The MP described camp roads resembling dirt tracks, leaving entire neighbourhoods cut off from proper access and basic infrastructure.

She pointed to a street in Karzakan, a public thoroughfare for over a decade, that remains unpaved and prone to flooding during rains.

Safety Concerns Mount

The lack of safety measures near the sea was another alarming issue raised. With houses bordering the water, the MP emphasized the urgent need for barriers to protect residents, particularly children. She also highlighted the plight of the complex 1027, where unpaved roads become treacherous mudslides during rainfall.

Living in the Dark

Compounding the woes, the complex 1044 suffers from a complete lack of street light[1]ing, plunging entire areas into darkness. This issue extends to Karzakan itself, where the main road leading to the area remains unlit, adding to the general sense of neglect. ‘

Sewage Woes Persist While acknowledging the Ministry's efforts, the MP emphasized the critical need for a comprehensive solution to the region's sewage woes. She pointed out that unlike other countries that prioritize replacing aging networks, the Northern Governorate still struggles to connect houses to basic sanitation facilities.

With almost 2,500 houses still awaiting connection due to delays and bureaucratic hurdles, the MP pleaded for a "firm and decisive government decision" to end this unacceptable suffering.

A Call for a Better Reality

The MP concluded her address with a plea for the government to recognize the gravity of the situation and take immediate steps to improve the living conditions in the Northern Governorate.

She expressed confidence in the Minister's seriousness but stressed the need for greater government attention to ensure a "better reality, a better health reality" for the people of the region. Minister Pledges Action Addressing infrastructure woes in the constituency, the Minister of Works presented a comprehensive plan to tackle the issues raised by MP Hanan.

The Minister's response, while acknowledging the challenges, painted a picture of proactive measures underway to improve the lives of residents.

Action Plan Unveiled

The Minister detailed a multi-pronged approach spanning implemented, ongoing, and planned projects. This roadmap covers various areas, as outlined during the official visit to the region, and reflects close collaboration with local representatives, including municipal councils and MP Hanan. Numbers Speak Louder To quantify the impact, the Minister highlighted the significant number of properties set to benefit from these initiatives.

Road projects alone will serve 1,800 properties, while sanitation efforts target over 1,400. These figures offer a tangible sense of the planned improvements.

Collaboration is Key

The Minister commended the vital role played by municipal councils in identifying priorities and needs in partnership with the Ministry. This collaborative approach ensures citizen concerns are heard and addressed effectively, he said.

A Beacon of Hope While acknowledging the existing challenges, the Minister's response injected a dose of optimism into the discussion. The Northern Governorate's twelfth constituency may still face difficulties, but the Minister's words provide a foundation for hope. Continued dialogue, transparency, and the combined efforts of all stakeholders will be crucial in turning promises into reality and ensuring a brighter future for the region.


MP Hanan Mohammed Fardan