*** ----> Bahraini athlete Aziz Mattar conquers Mount Kilimanjaro | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini athlete Aziz Mattar conquers Mount Kilimanjaro

TDT | Manama                                                     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Zahra Ayaz

Accomplished Bahraini athlete Aziz Mattar recently achieved a remarkable feat by conquering the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Tribune, Mattar shed light on the significance of acclimatisation techniques and body awareness in overcoming the challenges presented by high altitudes and limited oxygen levels.

To prepare for his expedition, Mattar dedicated considerable time to both physical and mental training.

He engaged in visualisation exercises and practiced positive self-talk to bolster his mental resilience.

Recognising the unpredictable weather conditions on Kilimanjaro, including rain, wind, and extreme temperatures, he made constant adjustments to his clothing layers.

The journey to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro presented additional obstacles, such as symptoms of altitude sickness like headaches and nausea.

To overcome these challenges, Mattar prioritised self-care, ensuring he stayed hydrated and took necessary breaks when required.

As he ascended to the peak, Mattar proudly raised the flag of Bahrain, symbolising his deep connection to his homeland.

Reflecting on this emotional experience, he shared, “Raising the flag of Bahrain on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro evoked a powerful mix of emotions.”

Reaching Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa at an astounding elevation of 5,895 metres, proved to be an awe-inspiring test of Mattar’s mental and physical limits.

Navigating treacherous terrain and coping with the thinning air demanded unwavering determination. His accomplishments serve as an inspiration to fellow Bahraini citizens and athletes worldwide.

Mattar expressed his heartfelt gratitude, stating, “I am deeply grateful to the Ministry of Youth Affairs and the Bahrain Youth Association for their unwavering support throughout my journey.

"Their invaluable assistance played a pivotal role in making this remarkable achievement possible.”