*** ----> Bahrain expert endorses Artificial Intelligence to fight drug addiction | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain expert endorses Artificial Intelligence to fight drug addiction

TDT | Manama                                                     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Zahra Ayaz

Traditional approaches to addiction recovery have shown varying degrees of success, but the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense promise in transforming treatment strategies, according to Dr. Jassim Haji, an AI specialist and President of the Artificial Intelligence Group.

Speaking to The Daily Tribune, Dr. Haji highlighted the potential of AI in understanding the unique needs of each individual: “The potential of AI lies in its ability to process and connect information from vast amounts of data to understand the unique needs of each individual."

It can draw recommendations from the latest advanced research and, by utilising complex neural networks, analyse past behaviour, physiology, medical history, and behavioural patterns of the patient to recommend a personalised treatment.”

Dr. Haji further explained the advancements in AI-driven addiction recovery: “With the rapid development of wearable biosensors, such as those in smart watches or fitness trackers, more dependable data has become available to train the model to detect early signs of drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms, contributing to a comprehensive AI-driven approach to addiction recovery.

He continued by saying that these sensor devices detect physiological indicators such as heart rate, stress levels, sleep patterns, and more to recognize subtle bodily changes and notify patients, doctors, or family members when worrisome changes happen.

“Machine learning algorithms can be developed to interpret these incoming biometric data from the sensors to improve the accuracy of the alerts and make informed adjustments to treatment plans.”

Lastly, while acknowledging the potential benefits, Dr. Haji also pointed out the importance of addressing certain disadvantages associated with AI integration: “Ensuring transparency of the model, enabling privacy, and obtaining consent from individuals contributing data for personalized treatment plans and predictive analytics are necessary to maintain trust and avoid manipulation.

“Developers and healthcare professionals must strive to eliminate biases related to gender, race, and socioeconomic status, which could accidentally affect existing healthcare systems. Regular assessments and audits of AI systems are essential to identify and rectify biases, promoting fairness and equity in the application of AI for drug addiction recovery.”

He added. Earlier, The Daily Tribune reported that Bahrain has launched a national project to leverage AI in monitoring and boasting recovery rates from drug addiction.

This initiative demonstrates the Kingdom’s commitment to combating the pervasive challenges of drug addiction and provides individuals with a better lifestyle.