*** ----> Sunsets on oil, sunrises on solar; ISA beams its vision on the GCC | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Sunsets on oil, sunrises on solar; ISA beams its vision on the GCC

Agencies | New Delhi      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Forget desert sands; the winds of change are blowing through the oil-rich economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). And aiming to drive that change is the International Solar Alliance (ISA), which just wrapped up a dynamic meeting with media representatives from across the region, painting a brighter picture powered by sunshine. Gone are the days of relying solely on fossil fuels.

Bahrain, a pioneer in understanding the limitations of oil, is paving the way for a greener future for the entire GCC. “Bahrain has already diversified its energy sources,” emphasized Joshua Wycliffe, Chief of Operations at ISA, citing Bahrain’s wise investments in renewables.

“The future belongs to clean energy, and the GCC is ready to embrace it.” But ambition needs action. ISA is offering a helping hand, showcasing successful solar projects from Africa to Asia-Pacific, proving that clean energy isn’t just a dream; it’s a reality within reach. Their message to the GCC? It’s time to step into the sunshine.

With $10 million on the table, ISA is partnering with India to launch the Global Solar Facility, aiming to bring clean energy to 30–40 million homes in Africa, especially rural areas. And that’s just the beginning.


“Imagine communities bathed in sunlight, powered by solar, breathing cleaner air,” Wycliffe envisions. “That’s the future we’re building together.” Challenges like high grid prices and lagging regional investments exist, but the momentum is undeniable. Asia-Pacific is leading the charge, and ISA is confident the GCC can follow suit.

The key is collaboration, sharing knowledge, and investing in solar manufacturing—a sector ripe for growth. For Bahrain, the goal is clear: carbon neutrality by 2060. And with ISA by their side, they’re confident they can achieve it.

Solar programmes

“We’ll showcase solar programmes that slash carbon emissions,” promises Wycliffe. “Think cleaner skies, healthier lives, and a thriving planet—that's the power of solar.” “The sun is setting on oil’s dominance, and in its golden glow, a new era powered by solar is rising.

ISA is leading the charge, and the GCC is ready to answer the call. This isn’t just about energy; it’s about rewriting the narrative of the region, proving that even oil giants can embrace a sustainable future.

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