*** Bahrain Labour Ministry steps up to protect workers as AC manufacturing Company restructure | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Labour Ministry steps up to protect workers as AC manufacturing Company restructure

TDT | Manama                                                     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Labour Ministry said it is putting employees first amidst the ongoing restructuring of a prominent Bahraini AC manufacturing company. Holding a series of meetings with the company’s management, the Ministry emphasized the crucial need to preserve the rights of all employees, especially the 220 Bahraini nationals.

The ministry said this proactive approach aligns with the Ministry’s core values, which are regulating labour relations and providing unwavering support to workers.

They ensure all company actions comply with advanced labour regulations that meet international standards, the ministry affirmed.

Timely wages

In response, the company reaffirmed its commitment to timely wage payments, upholding the terms of employee contracts. This commitment comes as a welcome assurance to the workforce during this period of change.

The Labour Ministry said it remains steadfast in its priority of securing job stability for Bahraini citizens. Government policies designed to attract investment have, they affirm, bolstered the Kingdom’s labour market, leading to an increase in job opportunities for its people.

Such a statement from the Ministry assures both the employees of the company and the wider Bahraini community that the government is actively safeguarding worker rights and fostering a stable labour market that prioritizes its citizens.

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