*** ----> Clothes donation bins pose safety risk on Bahrain roads | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Clothes donation bins pose safety risk on Bahrain roads

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Authorities have uncovered a widespread network of non-compliant clothing collection containers scattered across Bahrain, raising significant road safety concerns.

Municipalities have documented over 2,000 violations, and authorities are now confronted with the daunting task of addressing these unauthorised structures, particularly prevalent in the northern and southern regions.

The implications of this unchecked proliferation extend beyond mere aesthetics, with public spaces bearing the brunt of a visual blight.

Motorists, too, have been adversely affected, encountering compromised visibility that has led to a surge in traffic accidents.

Urgent calls for organised enforcement to tackle these violations have reverberated throughout the community.

Responding to inquiries from Shura Council member Rida Faraj, the Minister of Municipalities and Agriculture Affairs, His Excellency Wael Al Mubarak, underscored the severity of the situation.

“Prompt measures have been set in motion, with directives issued to relevant authorities within the Capital Municipality and across other municipalities in Bahrain,” Al Mubarak affirmed.

“The goal is to swiftly dismantle these defiant structures, reclaiming the natural beauty of public spaces and safeguarding the well-being of citizens and residents.”

The rampant proliferation of these non-compliant containers has sparked broader concerns about road safety, with motorists facing obstructed lines of sight in various areas.

The urgent need for decisive action to address these violations and restore order is imperative to ensure the safety and well-being of all road users.



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